Remember when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were the cutest couple on Teen Mom? Man, what happened? Obviously lots and lots of things happened, and now they are less cute and more on the brink of divorce. And although Tyler, who has long been considered a top notch guy, says he hasn't cheated and has no desire to cheat … Well, that's getting harder and harder to buy, let's just say that. 1. Yikes Really, when it comes to these two these days, what more can you say? 2. Well … You can actually say a whole, whole lot more, so let’s go ahead and do that OK? 3. Real Talk It’s just that the relationship between Catelynn and Tyler has gotten SO BAD over the past couple of years, hasn’t it? 4. Little Babies It’s not like we’d say that they’ve ever had a super healthy thing going on or anything, but that’s not really their fault — they’ve been together since they were 12, they went through a pregnancy and an adoption when they were teens because their parents were abusive addicts who married each other. 5. Good Job, We Guess Honestly, they’ve probably done pretty well, considering the hands they were dealt in life. 6. Still … But there’s no denying that ever since Cate left home about a year ago for two separate six-week stays at a treatment center in Arizona, things have definitely gotten worse than they’ve ever been. View Slideshow
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Tyler Baltierra: Here’s Why Cheating on Catelynn JUST MAKES SENSE