Tag Archives: covered up bikini

Jennifer Love Hewitt Finally Covers the Fuck Up of the Day

I guess reality has set in for Jennifer Love Hewitt after hitting the websites to see what everyone thinks about her new body and realizing that we’re not as impressed with it as she is. It’s called positive affirmation or some shit, where she has been working out, watching what she’s eating and the people around her have been biggin’ her up and boostin her ego making her think she’s accomplised some Star Jones caliber performance, not to mention her horny motherfucker boyfriend giving her constant sex after years of not getting any with her last fiance all clouded her judgement, but she’s straightened out and covered up her disgusting, and lucky for her boyfriend, I guess that means it’s back to fuckin’ with the lights off, so that he doesn’t have to see the sack of shit he’s stuffin’ his dick into…

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Finally Covers the Fuck Up of the Day