Tag Archives: crap-wrapped

Amber Rose Hot Little Bikini Pictures

Here’s Kanye West’s ladyfriend Amber Rose hanging out in her sexy black bikini on the beach the other day. To be honest I don’t know if they’re still dating or not, I’m far too busy spending my days writing about celebrity boobs to keep track of what rapper is dating who, but I like the way she looks in her little bikini. I feel like these would be much better printed out and made into a sexy little flip book I could keep with me at all times just in case I get bored. Who wants and arts and craft project? more pictures of Amber Rose here

Valerie Rios Picture Moment

Nicole Scherzinger’s Cute Little Tube Top

I don’t know what Nicole Scherzinger has been up to after that whole Dancing With The Douchebags crap wrapped up, but I’m glad to see that she hasn’t lost her figure. I guess she never got my letters about coming over to watch the finale of The Bachelorette , what a let down. I had it all planned out, we were going to make popcorn and do each other hair and have pillow fights and watch each other sleep. Some other time I guess.