Tag Archives: beatriz-barros

Barbara Di Creddo for LUI Magazine of the Day

Barbara Di Creddo is a Brazilian model who is apparently the new Victoria’s Secret girl or was a new Victoria’s Secret girl from 2015, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before, but I have facial and photo recognition issues, they all look the fucking same. I’ve seen all their tits, they are all relatively the same, that doesn’t mean I don’t like seeing their tits, it just means I’d have to be a specific weirdo Victoria’s Secret fan boy to know this one or to point this one out amongst all their other ones….I also hate black and white pictures, even those that remind me of cheesy early 90s romance post cards or some 90s Chirs Issaks video…..so seeing her softcore grind on some dude does zero for me – but it’s probably a big deal for her – you know getting that name out there so she can be the next Beatriz Barros with a brand new Billionaire husband by the time she turns 30. The post Barbara Di Creddo for LUI Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Barbara Di Creddo for LUI Magazine of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros for Madame Figaro of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros did some pretty awesome shoot for Madeame Figaro, which I guess is a magazine, that involved her being out and about in her lingerie and sneakers, which I guess isn’t a big deal, because she’s a fucking model and that’s what models do…fascinating….observation by me… It’s like I’ve seen so many half naked girls in photos, from quality to shit, that they all kind of blend into each other in some uninspired pile of shit that still has half naked models…and I guess that makes the whole thing good enough for me, which isn’t saying much, since I have no standards, and if you saw some of the thigns that are good enough for me…you would probably throw-up, or in the very least be totally uncomfortable…

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Ana Beatriz Barros for Madame Figaro of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros in a Bikini for GQ of the Day

Brazil may be the biggest fucking losers in history of sports – not that I would know – because I don’t watch that homo shit… But as far as I’m concerned…they’re winners.. Here’s Ana Beatriz Barros, one of their many amazing things we love about Brazil….in GQ….

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Ana Beatriz Barros in a Bikini for GQ of the Day

Anna Beatriz Barros Does X-Mas of the Day

Anna Beatriz Barros is an amazing 6 foot tall Brazilian model….who would probably be scary to be next to in person, but in pictures she’s fantastic… She has been in Sports Illustrated a bunch of times and was at one point in time a Victoria’s Secret chick and who the fuck knows or really cares what she’s been up to the last couple of years, because all that matter is this campaign she did for some magazine for Christmas that really touches me at my core…because I feel like this is how my mind sees Christmas every year…lingerie clad models with creepy drunk santas and midgets having their way with her… I am in love with this campaign.

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Anna Beatriz Barros Does X-Mas of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros All American for Some Magazine of the Day

I don’t even know if these are pics of Ana Beatriz Barros or some other model from the same shoot, in fact, I don’t even know if I am posting pics of the same girl, white girls, even when from Brazil all look the same, more importantly, I have facial recognition blindness, cuz I am normally looking at their tits…. All this to say, whoever the model is, I like her weird as fuck poses and squatting drunk handicapped person who needs to take a shit stance… That’s porn to me.

Ana Beatriz Barros All American for Some Magazine of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros in a Bikini in Miami of the Day

There was a minute when Ana Beatriz Barros was all the rage…you know doing Victoria’s Secret….back in the early 2000s…but I guess that was a while ago…cuz she seems to be out of practice in wearing a bikini in an erotic way….cuz these pictures of her are more ape-like…as her 6 foot frame with a shitty hip-to-waist ratio…and what could be testicles filling up her bikini bottoms…kinda drag her knuckles in the sand as she walks over to her seat…. I get that she’s is or was a Brazilian lingerie model….but whatever is going on in these pics is some weird fucking body….and that’s too bad…cuz I remember her being a serious fucking babe….oh well…we all fall apart eventually… Freedom has been attacked. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ana Beatriz Barros in a Bikini in Miami of the Day

Anais Pouliot’s Titties for Exhibition Magazine of the Day

Her name is Anus and she’s a local girl for me….from Montreal….and making moves in the international model scene…moves that usually involve her being NAKED OR TOPLESS and I just regret that I didn’t find her in her ice fishing hut, or ghetto french trash town, or wherever these french people named Anus live, before she got to be this famous model, you know too important to give me the time of day….because that way I could have made her all mine and locked her into contract, in my basement, in a cage where she would have been forced to perform sex acts on me…if she ever wanted to see her family again..instead of this following and posting her pictures of her tits other people take of her and that she gets paid for making her far too unattainable for me while knowing there was a time a little van, a little roofies, and a little effort meant that she could have belonged to me. Lost opportunity. I’m a failure. Here are her tits for fashion.

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Anais Pouliot’s Titties for Exhibition Magazine of the Day

Kate Hudson Beach Pictures From the Other Day of the Day

Kate Hudson has bounced back to the skinny, round ass she once had, after deciding to be a mom of multiple kids, not that she had much say in it, cuz her slut pussy was always meant to be knocked up countless times, it comes with the territory of being some rich kid with daddy issues, who whined enough to get in movies thans to your mom, because you wanted the world to experience you, and let pretty much the world experience her because all those cocks she’s had from A List to has-been – to who the fuck is that that she’s having all that unprotected sex with….both before and after the implants….and you know what….at least she’s not as dumpy as her tormented ass has been in the past….I’m into these. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kate Hudson Beach Pictures From the Other Day of the Day

Ana Beatriz Barros Uninspiring Beach Pics of the Day

I know what kind of delusional asshole am I to call pictures of a lingerie model in her bikini uninspiring….but I can’t help the way I feel people….her ass looks like it is melting into a sloppy, skinny, mess and that tramp stamp screams stripper whore who has seen better days, but thankfully the black light hides the disease ridden, malnourished, meth ass cheeks from really scaring off customers….. I am a huge fan of all skinny girls, in fact I encourage fat girls everywhere to stop eating, because they’ll be more appealing to fuck, I make a habbit of giving them that advice they don’t want to hear whenever I see one, you know “Hey you should really consider anorexia”…or “Ever heard of atkins?”….because the truth hurts….just ask Ana Beatriz Barros and her million dollar – thank god for photoshop ass cheeks… Nice tramp stamp. Seriously can’t fully embrace how funny it is…. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ana Beatriz Barros Uninspiring Beach Pics of the Day

Roberto Cavalli Rich Old Man Gets Younger Hotter Pussy of the Day

When you have a billion dollar in sales a year brand….anything is possible…including ex Russian model or aspiring Russian model or just a Russian pussy turned into your own personal prostitute…you see cuz people, especially women, can be bought…that’s why we collectively call them whores and laugh at the old viagra fueled cock they put inside them in exchange for the good life…cuz sometimes, like this time, it’s so obvious you have no choice but to laugh… To see the Rest of the Pics Follow This Link

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Roberto Cavalli Rich Old Man Gets Younger Hotter Pussy of the Day