Tag Archives: lingerie-clad

Sara Sampaio for Free People of the Day

Sara Sampaio is a greasy Portuguese fish eating model who is modelling for Free People in bikinis…and shit is about as exciting as bikini catalog pictures go, which is not exciting at all. They are all the same… If anything, the random fame whore attention seeking sluts on Instagram are more interesting and have more compelling pictures than this…but because Sara Sampaio is a Victoria’s Secret model, I am going to pretend that them lending her out to other companies that they probably manufacture for, is more important than the amateur models looking for this kind of campaign…because..that’s what the media wants me to do…I blame the illuminati.

Sara Sampaio for Free People of the Day

Anna Beatriz Barros Does X-Mas of the Day

Anna Beatriz Barros is an amazing 6 foot tall Brazilian model….who would probably be scary to be next to in person, but in pictures she’s fantastic… She has been in Sports Illustrated a bunch of times and was at one point in time a Victoria’s Secret chick and who the fuck knows or really cares what she’s been up to the last couple of years, because all that matter is this campaign she did for some magazine for Christmas that really touches me at my core…because I feel like this is how my mind sees Christmas every year…lingerie clad models with creepy drunk santas and midgets having their way with her… I am in love with this campaign.

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Anna Beatriz Barros Does X-Mas of the Day

Karolina Kurkova, Pregnant!

First it was Alessandra Ambrosio , then Adriana Lima announced she was pregnant, and now Karolina Kurkova has released a statement that she and her fiancé Archie Drury are expecting their first child.