Tag Archives: crowd-booing

Desiigner Gets Booed Off The Court Performing At 76’ers Game [Video]

Your boy Desiigner was performing last night in Philadelphia…and he must not have heard about their crowd booing everybody. The young rapper was lip synching like Britney Spears and the fans didn’t like that. Not to say the fans didn’t have a reason for booing, but they are known for pulling this stunt and Desiigner is the PERFECT victim. I'll have what Desiigner's having pic.twitter.com/vygm4dDNEn — Zen Simmons (@God_ZRILL_a) October 27, 2016 So Desiigner is here #panda pic.twitter.com/7VCAK3HsuX — Erik Horne (@ErikHorneOK) October 27, 2016

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Desiigner Gets Booed Off The Court Performing At 76’ers Game [Video]

Watch Mitt Romney Flounder in Last Night’s Debate


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The presidential debate last night was a shitshow from start to finish, with the crowd booing the fact that Mitt Romney’s dad was born in Mexico , giving a standing ovation to Newt Gingrich’s racism and booing Juan Williams for being black. Also shitty? Mitt Romney’s weird response to whether he would release his tax returns. The best part of that is in the video below: Here’s the mind-boggling transcript… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Slog Discovery Date : 17/01/2012 05:56 Number of articles : 2

Watch Mitt Romney Flounder in Last Night’s Debate