Tag Archives: cycling-union

Jennifer Lawrence Slams Weight Critics, "Lollipops" of Hollywood

Jennifer Lawrence may star in The Hunger Games , but she’s glad she isn’t hungry in real life. In a revealing interview with Vogue UK , the actress – who has somehow been referred to as overweight by ridiculous critics – comes down on the Hollywood culture and many rail-thin bodies out there. “I’m so tired of the lollipops,” Lawrence says of other stars out there. “It’s hilarious, the way I’m supposedly the overweight one? Like, they got me at the movies yesterday and the caption read something like ‘Curvy star cannot wait to dig into tub of popcorn.’ I mean, C’mon!” Due to the scrutiny of signing on for this mega trilogy, Lawrence explains her reaction the day The Hunger Games premiered. “I was really upset the day that The Hunger Games came out. I was shaking all day wrapped in a blanket. Dude, have you seen what they’ve done to Britney Spears ?” Don’t think Jennifer isn’t grateful, however. She’s quick to say how “lucky” she is to make a living as an actress. But she also makes some pretty great points, doesn’t she?

Originally posted here:
Jennifer Lawrence Slams Weight Critics, "Lollipops" of Hollywood

Lance Armstrong Doping Case: 11 Former Teammates Turn on Cycling Great

Lance Armstrong and his team ran a sophisticated and professional doping scheme for years, according to 11 of the cycling legend’s former teammates. A report by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency details the complete case against Armstrong, 41, who was stripped of his Tour de France titles this summer. It contains testimony from 11 of his former U.S. Postal Service teammates. Lance has always denied doping but has not contested these charges. USADA chief executive Travis Tygart said there was “conclusive and undeniable proof” of a team-run doping conspiracy headed by the all-time great. The group will send a “reasoned decision” in the case to the International Cycling Union (UCI), the World Anti-Doping Agency and the World Triathlon Corporation. The UCI now has 21 days to appeal or they must comply with the decision to strip Armstrong of all his cycling titles and hand him a lifetime ban. Armstrong overcame cancer to return to cycling and won the Tour from 1999-2005. He retired in 2005 but returned in 2009 before retiring for good in 2011. In his statement, Tygart said the evidence against Armstrong and his team – which is in excess of 1,000 pages – was nothing short of “overwhelming.” It “includes sworn testimony from 26 people, including 15 riders with knowledge of the US Postal Service Team and its participants’ doping activities.” [Photo: WENN.com]

Original post:
Lance Armstrong Doping Case: 11 Former Teammates Turn on Cycling Great

Lance “Hopped Up On That Juice” Armstrong Caves In To Anti-Doping Agency

Say it ain’t so Lance. After fighting accusations for the more than ten years, famed cyclist Lance Armstrong surrendered on Thursday. The seven time Tour de France winning athlete said that he would not continue to contest charges thrown at him by the US Anti-Doping Agency. They’ve been accusing him of being doped up during his unbeatable years and called him out as one of the ringleaders of systematic doping on his team. Declaring “enough is enough,” Lance Armstrong says he will not fight charges brought by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, a stunning decision that will cause him to be stripped of the seven Tour de France titles that turned him into an American hero. USADA confirmed late Thursday it will strip him of all results since Aug. 1, 1998 and ban him from all competition for life. Armstrong said his decision did not mean he would accept USADA’s sanctions. His lawyers threatened a lawsuit if USADA proceeded, arguing the agency must first resolve a dispute with the International Cycling Union over whether the case should be pursued. “It is a sad day for all of us who love sport and our athletic heroes,” USADA CEO Travis Tygart said. “This is a heartbreaking example of how the win-at-all-costs culture of sport, if left unchecked, will overtake fair, safe and honest competition.” Lance rebuttled in his own statement by saying ““If I thought for one moment that by participating in USADA’s process, I could confront these allegations in a fair setting and — once and for all — put these charges to rest, I would jump at the chance,” Armstrong said. “But I refuse to participate in a process that is so one-sided and unfair…I know who won those seven Tours…The toughest event in the world where the strongest man wins. Nobody can ever change that. Especially Travis Tygart.” Lance will lose all of his titles, including his 2000 Olympic Bronze Medal, and all money he won from August 1998 and on! He’s also banned from competing, coaching, or having any official role with any sport that follows the World Anti-Doping Code. Armstrong insists that this is not a defeat for him and backed down so he could focus on his family and his Livestrong Foundation. Must have been some cray isht going on behind closed doors for him to just walk away. SMH Source Images via WENN

Originally posted here:
Lance “Hopped Up On That Juice” Armstrong Caves In To Anti-Doping Agency