Tag Archives: deborah-raffin

Liz & Dick: The Lindsay Lohan Unintentional Comedy Hall of Fame Montage

Liz & Dick was kind of a pretty terrible movie, and Lindsay Lohan really phoned it in as the lead, with her performance as Elizabeth Taylor bordering on laughable. Okay … not bordering on. It was laughable. Lohan’s chemistry with co-star Grant Bowler was non-existent, her accent inconsistent, her tone unconvincing, and her voice raspy. In short, it was impossible to see her as … not Lindsay Lohan. See our Liz & Dick review for further analysis … or just watch some of the most (unintentionally) hilarious scenes from the Lifetime film in this awesome montage: Liz & Dick: Lindsay Lohan LOL Moments

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Liz & Dick: The Lindsay Lohan Unintentional Comedy Hall of Fame Montage

Deborah Raffin Dies; 7th Heaven Star was 59

Deborah Raffin, who enjoyed successful careers as an actress and publisher, has died. The 7th Heaven star was 59 and reportedly had battled leukemia for about a year. Starting out, the blonde Californian was often compared to the young Grace Kelly. Her mother, Trudy Marshall, had been a bit player for 20th Century Fox in the ’40s. Through no fault of her own, Raffin made a string of bad movies in the ’70s, including 40 Carats and Jacqueline Susann’s Once Is Not Enough . Nevertheless, she kept her face and figure before the public as a fashion model. She met her future husband, manager and, ultimately, business partner, Michael Viner, on a blind date in 1974, and they married four months later. Ten years later, they founded Dove Books-on-Tape, which they expanded into a highly successful book publishing and movie and TV production. Before her prolific publishing career, Deborah Raffin served as co-executive producer on 1,600 titles and line-produced more than 400 audio books. On the CW’s 7th Heaven , she also starred as Aunt Julie from 1996-2007. The Viners’ marriage ended in divorce in 2005; he died of cancer in 2009. Raffin is survived by a brother, sister and a daughter, Taylor Rose Viner.

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Deborah Raffin Dies; 7th Heaven Star was 59