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National Park Service Grants HBCUs $8.6M To Conserve Historic Sites

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T he National Park Service is continuing to preserve landmarks that are embedded in the fabric of American history. According to Diverse Issues in Higher Education , the agency recently provided 18 historically Black colleges and universities with grants in efforts to conserve historic buildings and statues that live on campuses. National Park Service Awards $8.6M to HBCUs for Preservation Projects https://t.co/1U3qithspS #HBCU #HBCUnews — HBCU Lifestyle (@HBCU_Lifestyle) September 10, 2018 The grants—which total $8.6 million—will be put towards the revitalization of structures as well as projects that are relative to preservation, the news outlet writes. The grant money was provided through the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Fund. Amongst the HBCUs selected for the grants are Howard University, Clark Atlanta University, Hampton University, Virginia State University, Delaware State University and others. “HBCUs have played an important role in our country’s pursuit of equality, civil rights, and higher education for all Americans,” National Park Service Deputy Director P. Daniel Smith said in a statement, according to the news outlet. “These grants will help restore and enhance landmark buildings that are a source of pride on campuses in nine states.” Howard University plans on using the grant to upgrade their Founders Library. There has been a concerted effort to involve HBCUs in preserving Black sites across the country. In July, a program dubbed “Preservation in Practice” was created by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the National Park Service and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation as an avenue to empower students at historically Black colleges and universities to pursue careers in historic preservation. SEE ALSO: Program Aims To Increase Racial Representation In Historic Preservation, Urban Planning Nina Simone To Be Honored By The National Trust for Historic Preservation [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3825344″ overlay=”true”]

National Park Service Grants HBCUs $8.6M To Conserve Historic Sites

White People Crazy: Delaware Teen Charged With Murder For Killing His Father With A Crossbow

SMH… Teen Charged With Crossbow Murder Of Father A 17-year-old in Delaware could face the death penalty for the brutal murder of his father via crossbow. Rawstory reports: A teenage boy in Delaware, charged with murdering his father with a crossbow, was being held without bail Saturday in a juvenile detention facility, state police said. Seth Ramsey, 17, of Harrington, was charged with first degree murder and possession of a deadly weapon, Delaware State Police said. He was accused of shooting his 41-year-old father, Todd Ramsey, in the upper torso at the family’s home, state police said. Officers had been called to the home on Thursday after Todd Ramsey’s co-workers reported him missing from the job for several days, authorities said. “When they (officers) initially arrived at the house, the two made contact with the man’s teenage son who claimed he may have killed his father,” state police said in a statement. An autopsy would conclude when the man was killed, authorities said, and no motive has been established. It was unclear if the teen had obtained an attorney or how he intends to plead to the murder charge, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or possibly the death penalty. Wow, do you think it’s fair or foul to possibly give the death penalty to a teenager????

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White People Crazy: Delaware Teen Charged With Murder For Killing His Father With A Crossbow

Sea Shepherd’s Anti-Whaling Activist, Peter Bethune, Sentenced in Japan

Anti-whaling activist receives probation and suspended sentence By the CNN Wire Staff July 7, 2010 4:53 a.m. EDT This undated handout obtained from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society on February 16 shows Peter Bethune. * Japan (CNN) — Anti-whaling activist Peter Bethune was given a two-year suspended prison sentence and five years' probation Wednesday by a Tokyo district court judge for his role in boarding a Japanese whaling ship. Bethune was found guilty on five charges, ranging from assault against whalers to trespassing into a whaling vessel. Bethune had previously pleaded guilty to all charges but assault. He could have received up to 15 years behind bars on charges. Bethune testified during his trial in May that he had no intention of hurting anyone when he protested Japan's whale hunt. The New Zealand activist from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society said that he believed the bottles of butyric acid he threw at the Shonan Maru 2 whaling ship were non-toxic and would not harm anyone. Prosecutors said the butyric acid burned two crew members of the Japanese whaling fleet, but Sea Shepherd called it a harmless, albeit rancid, liquid. Butyric acid is found in rancid butter and vomit. At the May hearing, he tearfully described the January collision between the Shonan Maru 2 and the Sea Shepherd's multi-million-dollar speedboat, the Ady Gil. The crash sunk the Ady Gil, which Bethune captained. Weeks later, Bethune jumped aboard the Shonan Maru 2 and attempted to make a citizen's arrest of the captain. He was arrested and brought back to Japan to face criminal charges. “I admit that I boarded the Shonan Maru, but I believe that I have good reason to do so,” he said. “I admit that I fired the butyric acid.” Bethune's case is the first time a Sea Shepherd activist has been tried in a Japanese criminal court in the group's long-running battle with Japan's whalers in the icy waters of the Antarctic. “It's encouraged us. It's certainly motivated us, and we're going back to the Southern Ocean with far more support than ever,” said Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd founder. “I hope that we'll be much more effective because of it.” “Pete Bethune is a hero in New Zealand,” Watson added. “He's a hero worldwide to people who want to see the end of whaling.” Japan annually hunts whales in the Antarctic, despite a worldwide moratorium on whaling, under the loophole that a country may legally do so if its purpose is scientific research. Sea Shepherd has claimed the science argument is a sham, noting that the whale meat then gets sold in Japanese markets and served in restaurants. “They're targeting endangered whales in an established international whale sanctuary in violation of the Antarctic treaty,” Watson said. “They're criminals.” CNN's Junko Ogura contributed to this report. added by: EthicalVegan

Lebron James joined Twitter, guess who he pissed off

King James Baby. link: http://www.bite.ca/bitedaily/2010/07/lebron-james-joined-twitter-guess-who-he-pi… added by: romanswietlik

Congressional Candidate Will McVay’s Primary Filing Announcement

7/6/2010 Will McVay’s announces his filing for the Democratic and Republican primaries in the 32nd Delaware State Representative District. Help the libertarians, vote for Will McVay! He’ll fight to stop the wars, to stop the spending, to guarantee individual rights and personal Freedom. http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3672 added by: shanklinmike