Tag Archives: denver-egotist

Light Paintings Meet the Matrix’s Bullet Time Effect


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National Super progressive awesomeness from Richard Kendall. Painting with light and strobe bullet time. from Richard Kendall on Vimeo . Reddit Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 25/04/2012 01:15 Number of articles : 2

Light Paintings Meet the Matrix’s Bullet Time Effect

Vinyl Builds to the Beat in New Benga Video


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National “To animate the wave form, we built it and then carefully removed each individual record. This had to be done very gently as any shift in the position of the sculpture would result in the failure of the animation and as we had to literally destroy each piece of vinyl to get it off, there was only one chance to get it right. Once the sculpture was finally built, the animation process took… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 07/04/2012 00:01 Number of articles : 2

Vinyl Builds to the Beat in New Benga Video

Crop Circles in the Steamboat Snow


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Local On February 4th, visiting artist Sonja Hinrichsen lead 10 snowshoers through a wide-open meadow atop Rabbit Ears Pass in Steamboat Springs, stomping out a spiral design in the snow as part of “Snow Drawings” — a community art project she organized. Lovely. Snow Circles from Beauregard, Steamboat Aerials on Vimeo . Bookmark/Search this post with: Reddit Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 21/02/2012 17:02 Number of articles : 2

Crop Circles in the Steamboat Snow

Austerity Policy Destroying Greek Society


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Although we’ve featured quite a few news reports on the impact of austerity in Greece, this report from Dimitri Lascaris, a lawyer with family in Greece, via Real News Network, gives a flavor of how conditions have deteriorated, even in small towns where social ties are presumably tighter than in Athens. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : naked capitalism Discovery Date : 16/02/2012 07:40 Number of articles : 2

Austerity Policy Destroying Greek Society

Dubstep Cat


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National Made our morning. stereo skifcha from xgabberx on Vimeo . Via Bookmark/Search this post with: Reddit Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 16/02/2012 09:32 Number of articles : 2

Dubstep Cat

The Biggest, Gnarliest Teahupoo Ever Ridden


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National Shot Aug 27, 2011 during the Billabong Pro. Yo. BIGGEST TEAHUPOO EVER, SHOT ON THE PHANTOM CAMERA. from Chris Bryan on Vimeo . Bookmark/Search this post with: Reddit Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 12/01/2012 21:02 Number of articles : 2

The Biggest, Gnarliest Teahupoo Ever Ridden

Yep, There’s an App for Crashing Weddings


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National R/GA’s Eric Schlakman has created a soon-to-be-released app, called Crash Corsage, for all of you who savor the promise of free booze, free food and the freedom to hook up with lonely wedding guests. Crash Corsage includes dates and locations of nearby weddings, all necessary information about the ceremony and festivities, activities to compete in while attending, and much more. Sign up on… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 11/01/2012 14:10 Number of articles : 2

Yep, There’s an App for Crashing Weddings

When to Take Your Name Off the Door


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National The audio in this wonderful animation by Lobo is from a speech that was delivered by Leo Burnett himself at a meeting of the entire Chicago Burnett office on December 1, 1967. Good lessons in here. Leo Burnett “When to take my name off the door” from Lobo on Vimeo . Via Bookmark/Search this post with: Reddit Facebook StumbleUpon Twitter Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 10/01/2012 14:15 Number of articles : 2

When to Take Your Name Off the Door

Some Answers from Making Digital Work


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Local A month ago, Edward Boches took questions on his blog and on Twitter for the instructors at Boulder Digital Work’s Making Digital Work workshop. They settled on five. How do we get clients to embrace more innovative work? What can we learn from software startups? Do agencies have a role in social media? How do we stop the talent drain? What kind of people should we hire? Here are the answers… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 30/09/2011 16:19 Number of articles : 2

Some Answers from Making Digital Work

One Day on Earth [Motion Picture Trailer]


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National On October 10, 2010 (10.10.10), across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students and inspired citizens recorded the human experience over a 24-hour period and contributed their voice to the largest participatory media event in history. Everything you see in this video was shot on the same day. Help document the world’s history: www.onedayonearth.org . One Day on Earth – Motion Picture… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 15/07/2011 23:31 Number of articles : 2

One Day on Earth [Motion Picture Trailer]