Tag Archives: energy-future

Vinyl Builds to the Beat in New Benga Video


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National “To animate the wave form, we built it and then carefully removed each individual record. This had to be done very gently as any shift in the position of the sculpture would result in the failure of the animation and as we had to literally destroy each piece of vinyl to get it off, there was only one chance to get it right. Once the sculpture was finally built, the animation process took… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 07/04/2012 00:01 Number of articles : 2

Vinyl Builds to the Beat in New Benga Video

Vinyl Builds to the Beat in New Benga Video


Excerpt from:

National “To animate the wave form, we built it and then carefully removed each individual record. This had to be done very gently as any shift in the position of the sculpture would result in the failure of the animation and as we had to literally destroy each piece of vinyl to get it off, there was only one chance to get it right. Once the sculpture was finally built, the animation process took… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Denver Egotist Discovery Date : 07/04/2012 00:01 Number of articles : 2

Vinyl Builds to the Beat in New Benga Video

Martenson Interviews Khosla Ventures: The US Is Massively Underfunding The Innovations Critical To Its Energy Future


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Submitted by ChrisMartenson.com Khosla Ventures: The US is Massively Underfunding the Innovations Critical to Its Energy Future “The age of cheap oil is over,” agrees Andrew Chung, partner at Khosla Ventures, arguably the most knowledgeable venture capital firm spearheading next-generation energy projects. While perhaps more optimistic than Chris on the odds that the world can transition off fossil… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : zero hedge Discovery Date : 07/04/2012 01:05 Number of articles : 2

Martenson Interviews Khosla Ventures: The US Is Massively Underfunding The Innovations Critical To Its Energy Future

Martenson Interviews Khosla Ventures: The US Is Massively Underfunding The Innovations Critical To Its Energy Future



Submitted by ChrisMartenson.com Khosla Ventures: The US is Massively Underfunding the Innovations Critical to Its Energy Future “The age of cheap oil is over,” agrees Andrew Chung, partner at Khosla Ventures, arguably the most knowledgeable venture capital firm spearheading next-generation energy projects. While perhaps more optimistic than Chris on the odds that the world can transition off fossil… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : zero hedge Discovery Date : 07/04/2012 01:05 Number of articles : 2

Martenson Interviews Khosla Ventures: The US Is Massively Underfunding The Innovations Critical To Its Energy Future

Video: Kimbo Slice Beats Brian Green with a Vicious KO


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Following his unsuccessful bid at going from backyard brawler to MMA superstar, Kimbo Slice fell off the grid a little bit. He’s back now, though, apparently trying to become some sort of legitimate boxer. We say apparently, of course, because this is the first time we’ve heard his name mentioned in months . On Saturday night, Slice faced off against another MMAer turned boxer in Brian Green. Over… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Opposing Views Discovery Date : 25/03/2012 07:58 Number of articles : 2

Video: Kimbo Slice Beats Brian Green with a Vicious KO

Obama Adviser David Plouffe: Who Are You Going to Trust on Energy Policy, Republicans or Barack Obama? (Video)


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Who are you going to trust? (Gas Buddy) After being caught in a bald-faced lie about the Keystone Pipeline (saying Nebraska rejected the pipoeline) Obama’s senior adviser David Plouffe asks, “Who do you trust more with America’s energy future?” Gas … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 25/03/2012 16:39 Number of articles : 2

Obama Adviser David Plouffe: Who Are You Going to Trust on Energy Policy, Republicans or Barack Obama? (Video)