Tag Archives: david plouffe

Happy 36th Birthday, Shakira!

February 2 is Groundhog Day , but it’s also notable for another celebrity not named Punxsutawney Phil. Shakira turns 36 today. Yes, 36 … going on 26? It’s hard to believe, but Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, known globally by her first name alone, first emerged in Colombia and Latin America in the early 1990s. Since then, she’s achieved massive success as singer-songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer and model … we leave anything out? Oh right, she’s going to be on The Voice Season 4 ! Those hips of hers absolutely do not lie, and they recently helped her achieve her greatest moment of all: Shakira gave birth to a baby boy in January! She and footballer boyfriend Gerard Pique just became parents for the first time (no, it’s not a hoax). Expect that little guy to have some amazing genes. How amazing? Check out our gallery of Shakira pictures below, and share your birthday greetings for the multi-talented international sensation!

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Happy 36th Birthday, Shakira!

Oprah Hit With Lawsuit; Sexual Discrimination Alleged at OWN

Oprah Winfrey does not look out for her OWN. At least not according to a new lawsuit accusing her and the network of sexual discrimination. A female exec claims she got the chop after getting pregnant! Carolyn Hommel says in her lawsuit, filed Friday, that she was hired in 2010 as senior director of scheduling and acquisitions at Oprah’s OWN network. Hommel claims she was told she was on track to become a Vice President with the organization, but says things changed when she became pregnant . According to Hommel, her duties were slowly transferred to a temporary employee and she was excluded from meetings when she returned from medical leave. At that point, Carolyn claims she was fired from OWN one month after giving birth and told to re-apply for the V.P. gig … only to be turned down. Moreover, Hommel claims her boss, Michael Garner, fabricated a performance review that “made Hommel’s job duties and responsibilities appear less ‘senior’.” The allegation is that the network retroactively tried to make her appear like a weaker candidate for the new vice president position than she was. Bottom line, Hommel alleges the aforementioned conduct and her dismissal were a direct result of her becoming pregnant and thus requiring medical leave. O has yet to respond to the lawsuit.

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Oprah Hit With Lawsuit; Sexual Discrimination Alleged at OWN

Obama Gun Photo Released Amid Call For Stronger Regulations

A photo of President Barack Obama skeet shooting at Camp David has been released following a claim last week that he engages in the activity regularly. It is the only known photo of Obama with a gun, and also comes amid a White House-backed push for stronger gun control regulations in the U.S. The photo shows Obama targeting clay pigeons at the presidential retreat last August, which he said he does “all the time” during stays at the compound. The comment, in an interview last Sunday, was a response to a question of whether he had ever held a firearm . Obama told the New Republic: “Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there. I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations.” “And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.” Given the current political atmosphere and polarizing gun control debate , some questioned whether the claim was an embellishment or even true at all. Politicians who use firearms often advertise that fact to gun owners, but in four years in office and two national campaigns, Obama has never brought it up. “If he is a skeet shooter, why have we not heard of this?” asked Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). “Why has he not referenced it at any point [during this] gun debate?” “Why have we not seen photos?” Asked about the president’s interview, Press Secretary Jay Carney responded “I would refer you simply to his comments,” he said. “I don’t know how often.” Carney noted that when Obama travels to “Camp David, he goes to spend time with his family and friends and relax, not to produce photographs.” Some Obama supporters have already brushed off critics as “skeeters,” a play on the “birthers” like Donald Trump who doubted he was a U.S. citizen. “Attn skeet birthers. Make our day – let the photoshop conspiracies begin!” senior adviser and 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe wrote on Twitter. Conspiracy or not, and no matter how curiously timed the photo’s release may be, what can’t be refuted is the President’s commitment to reform. Obama signed several executive orders strengthening regulations of guns and revealed proposals to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. The gun control push began in response to the December mass-shooting of 20 first graders and six adults at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school. What do you think? Do you support tougher gun laws?   YES. Fewer guns, fewer tragedies! NO. It’s unconstitutional and won’t stop anything! View Poll »

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Obama Gun Photo Released Amid Call For Stronger Regulations

Obama Administration On How They Won: Supporters ‘Believed In Obama, Message’

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In what was called the “final press call” of the Obama for America presidential campaign, Campaign Manager Jim Messina and former Campaign Manager David Plouffe,…

Obama Administration On How They Won: Supporters ‘Believed In Obama, Message’

Obama Adviser David Plouffe: Who Are You Going to Trust on Energy Policy, Republicans or Barack Obama? (Video)


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Who are you going to trust? (Gas Buddy) After being caught in a bald-faced lie about the Keystone Pipeline (saying Nebraska rejected the pipoeline) Obama’s senior adviser David Plouffe asks, “Who do you trust more with America’s energy future?” Gas … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 25/03/2012 16:39 Number of articles : 2

Obama Adviser David Plouffe: Who Are You Going to Trust on Energy Policy, Republicans or Barack Obama? (Video)

Obama Campaign Manager: Limbaugh, Beck and Palin a Problem for GOP

Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign manager on Sunday said Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin are currently the leaders of the Republican Party, and this represents a long-term problem for the GOP. Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” David Plouffe was asked about a number of questions facing the nation as well as the President he helped get elected. Apparently feeling the need to do some conservative bashing, host Gregory asked Plouffe about a section from his book “Audacity to Win” dealing with Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin. This set the Obama adviser up nicely to go after targets liberals just love to hate (video follows with transcript and commentary):  DAVID GREGORY, HOST: Finally, a quote from your book, handicapping the Republican field, this is what you write in the new part of “Audacity to Win.” “This is the Republican Party of 2010, and I think it will be the Republican Party for a long time. It is hard to see how a Republican gets the presidential nomination without winning the plurality of the Palin-Limbaugh-Beck base of the Republican Party. Without a drastic change in orientation, they will probably nominate someone a good bit out of the mainstream.” Who do you have in mind? Who do you think is the most formidable Republican likely to challenge President Obama? DAVID PLOUFFE: Oh, I have no idea. I mean, this time four years ago there was very few of us talking about Barack Obama running for president, including me. So I think some of the people that we think are going to run may not run. There’ll be other people who’ll run. We’ll see. I wish I could just sit back with a tub of popcorn and, and enjoy it because I think it’s going to be quite an adventure. MR. GREGORY: But who is the leader of the Republican Party, would you say? MR. PLOUFFE: I think the–I think right now–and this is a problem for them long term–I do think that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, they are the leaders of the party. And you see whenever–I was struck by–Senator Coburn from Oklahoma, I think, was at a town hall meeting and said, “I don’t agree with anything the Democrats are doing, and I don’t agree with Speaker Pelosi, but she’s a nice person,” and got attacked for that. There, there is an intolerance in that party and an extremism that I think is where the real energy is. And so I think, as you see in ’11 and ’12, as that presidential primary, those are the people that are going to come out to vote. So I think that’s where the real energy is, and I think particularly in, in elections where more people vote, in presidential elections where you have a lot more younger people, minorities, independent voters who skew a little bit more moderate, that’s going to be a big problem. So we’ll just have to wait and see. But let’s get this–through this election first, and then we’ll be right on to the next one. It truly is fascinating the left and their media minions continue to bash Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin. After all, with the possible exceptions of Obama and the Clintons, there aren’t any other liberal political figures in this nation that come close to the popularity and visibility of these three conservatives. As such, suggesting that they represent a problem for Republicans is like saying ground beef and potatoes are bad for McDonalds. Regardless, Gregory just couldn’t resist giving his guest the opportunity to attack three of the nation’s most well-known conservatives. As the jingle goes, “If it’s Sunday…” 

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Obama Campaign Manager: Limbaugh, Beck and Palin a Problem for GOP