Source: Phil Ashley / Getty L.A. Man Charged With Driving Two Autistic Kids Into Ocean A Los Angeles area man is finally jailed and charged with drowning his two kids and attempting to kill their mother after a 2015 “accident”. His arrest was delayed due to “insufficient evidence”, but last week, the FBI made it’s move after a thorough investigation according to reports. According to the NY Daily News , Ali Elmezayen, 44, allegedly killed his two children, ages 8 and 13, when he drove his car off of a Los Angeles wharf. Elmezayen purchased “several accidental death insurance policies” amounting to $6 million covering himself, his kids and his domestic partner, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Central California. The accused paid $6,000 a year to maintain that coverage, despite earning less than $30,000 a year. Sketchy AF! Reportedly Elmezayen’s domestic partner couldn’t swim and was also a passenger in the car. She was rescued by a fisherman who witnessed the crash. So sad. May those innocent children rest in peace.
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Scum Of The Earth: “Father” Charged With Drowning Two Autistic Children For Six-Figure Insurance Payment