Tag Archives: develop-alan

Remedy Was Too Small To Develop Alan Wake For PC And Xbox 360

By now, PC owners have hopefully come to grips with the fact that Remedy Game’s thriller Alan Wake will not be released on their console of choice when it hits store shelves May 18. Back in February, Microsoft confirmed that the PC version of the game had been canceled, because Microsoft had wanted to match “this specific game to the right platform.” Turns out that this was more of a half-truth, as Remedy recently told Digital Spy a different tale regarding the ill-fated PC version of Alan Wake . “We’re a small studio, about 50 people. Concentrating on one platform is just a lot easier for us where we’re smaller than other studios, and it’s just been focused on one platform and getting that done. We have no plans for the PC right now.” Remedy had always said that Microsoft ultimately had the final say about Alan Wake on the PC, but the “we just didn’t have the manpower to pull off a PC version too” reality of the situation clearly played a much larger role in the 360 exclusivity decision than previously thought. Given what’s been shown of the game over the past few months, it looks like focusing on the 360 version was the absolutely right way to go. Guess we’ll find out in a few months. Source: Digital Spy

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Remedy Was Too Small To Develop Alan Wake For PC And Xbox 360

Review: Cave Story

Cave Story started out as a freeware game designed by one developer, Daisuke “Pixel”