Tag Archives: dishes-or-doing

Stuntin On These Old Heads: Denzel Washington Covers GQ Magazine

But I can’t teach you my swag… Denzel Washington Covers GQ Magazine Veteran Hollyweird man-candy Denzel Washington is showing these young bucks that he’s still got it. The Oscar-Award winning actor graces the cover of October’s issue of GQ magazine and talks that talk about who influences him as an actor, who he’d want to play him in a biopic and offers some words of wisdom to live by. Check out a few excerpts from the interview below: Is there an actor who has influenced you? There’s a scene in The Godfather II. De Niro’s in a theater. And he’s looking back. It’s just a look. I don’t think I’ve ever imitated another actor, but there’s nothing wrong with learning from them. Do you have any code you live by? I read from the Bible every day, and I read my Daily Word. I read something great yesterday. It said, “Don’t aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference.” We interrupt this interview for a moment of silence to marvel at this masterpiece of a man… Ok. As you were…. In some ways, you’re a cipher. There’s not much you put out there. But that’s not my job to put stuff out there. Sidney Poitier told me this years ago: “If they see you for free all week, they won’t pay to see you on the weekend, because they feel like they’ve seen you. If you walk by the magazine section in the supermarket and they’ve known you all their life, there’s no mystery. They can’t take the ride.” My professional work is being a better actor. I don’t know how to be a celebrity. When the Denzel biopic is made, what would an actor need to have in his performance to make you say, “He got me”? That suggests I know what it is, and I don’t want to know what it is. That’s part of the mystery. It is what it is. I don’t go, “I gotta make sure I put some of that Denzel Washington-ism in the movie.” I don’t want tricks. I don’t want to lose my mojo. This man’s swag is truly timeless. These young black Hollyweirders have some pretty big shoes to fill if they plan on coming for this throne anytime soon. You’re welcome, ladies.

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Stuntin On These Old Heads: Denzel Washington Covers GQ Magazine

Panera Bread Franchisee Settles Suit With Black Workers After Not Permitting People Who Are “Black, Fat, And/Or Ugly” To Work Registers

Panera Bread Franchise Settles Discrimination Suit For $76K Looks like that shady Covelli Enterprises is going to pay up for telling this young brotha that he had to be a cook so “no blacks were in public view”… Via ABC News: An Ohio franchisee who runs several western Pennsylvania Panera Bread stores has agreed to pay more than $76,000 to settle discrimination claims by current and former black employees. Chief U.S. District Judge Gary Lancaster on Monday told attorneys for Guy Vines, the black worker, and the company he sued in January, Warren, Ohio-based Covelli Enterprises, to advertise the settlement in newspapers in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Kentucky and West Virginia, where Covelli operates Panera stores. Vines sued claiming he was denied promotions and made to work in the kitchen because company owner Sam Covelli didn’t want black employees in areas where the public was served. About 200 to 300 black workers may be entitled to money, Vines’ attorney, Samuel Cordes told the judge. According to online court records, Vines will receive $10,000 for being the lead plaintiff and Cordes will receive $66,000 in legal fees. In addition, Covelli must pay a yet-to-be determined amount based on how many current and former employees respond to the advertisements and file claims. Those workers will get 70 cents an hour for each hour they worked in excess of one year at any of Covelli’s Panera’s stores. That’s based upon how much money Covelli’s workers stood to gain had they been promoted after their first year. The settlement covers all current or former black employees who worked for Covelli for at least a year between Jan. 11, 2008 and Jan. 11, 2012 — the day Vines filed his lawsuit. Vines contends he was hired in November 2009 and quit in August 2011 over his alleged mistreatment. Cordes, who represented both men, said in Vines’ lawsuit that “African Americans were routinely assigned to jobs either in the back of the store washing dishes or doing food preparation so customers would not see them” and that top Covelli managers dictated that “people who are ‘Black, Fat, and/or ugly’ should never be permitted to work the cash registers.” SMH. Sounds like this azzholes need to cough up more than $76K to us!

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Panera Bread Franchisee Settles Suit With Black Workers After Not Permitting People Who Are “Black, Fat, And/Or Ugly” To Work Registers