Tag Archives: disney-movies

Amanda Seyfried’s Awesome Little Ass in Leggings of the Day

I linked to these pictures last week…but I just got access to them…and I’m not about to ignore a Seyfried ass….even if I’ve already done a post on it….cuz this is the kind of ass I can look at all day…all small, cute, but round as fuck….and not get bored…until I fuck it…cuz fucking a bitch always ruins her for me…I don’t know if it is self disgust, like I think to myself “What kind of woman would fuck me, she must have real issues”….or maybe it is cuz I have this quest to fuck every ass in the world…just to say I did…. I am very into looking at pics and video of Amanda Seyfried…I think it has to do with her being my favorite young pussy in Hollywood…the Lindsay Lohan that Lindsay Lohan never was….with a lot less baggage. Or maybe it’s cuz along with shitty disney movies….she get naked…. IN CHLOE and IN BIG LOVE Or maybe….just maybe….I like her ass in leggings…either way, we’ve spent too much time on this…trying to sort it out…there’s more celeb pussy I need to get to…

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Amanda Seyfried’s Awesome Little Ass in Leggings of the Day