Tag Archives: document-states

Police: Man Committed Hate Crime Because His Mom Is Dating A Black Man

Source: JEFF HAYNES / Getty A 21-year-old man is accused of attacked black people, solely based on their skin color. A Harris County probable cause document states that  Albert Gallegos attacked a 92-year-old African-American man from behind at a METRO stop in Southeast Houston. Gallegos is accused of attacking the man and rendering him unconscious. The officer who said that he is certain that Gallegos is the suspect read “multiple case(s) involving the suspect and the suspect is obviously a violent person and has hatred towards African Americans because (his) mother is dating a black male. After reading these reports about the suspect’s history I can clearly see the suspect is picking his victims on the basis of their skin color, the victim in (the officer’s) case is a 92-year-old black male who has never dealt with or had any type of interaction with the suspect.” In a separate case, court documents revealed that Gallegos also threatened to kill his mother and her boyfriend. Gallegos is facing hate crime charges and is being held on $20,000 bond. RELATED:  Houston Man Arrested In Bizarre Bestiality Case RELATED:  Man Accused Of Killing Pregnant Woman

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Police: Man Committed Hate Crime Because His Mom Is Dating A Black Man

Whitney Houston Autopsy Reveals Cocaine Spoon, Bloody Nose and More

The complete Whitney Houston autopsy is in, and it reveals a number of harrowing details regarding the singer’s death on February 11. The document states that a “spoon with a white crystal-like substance on it” was found in the hotel room in which Whitney died, along with a “white powdery substance” later tested and determined to be cocaine . Houston’s body was found face down in the bathtub – in approximately 13 inches of water, the report adds -with “bloody purge coming from her nose.” Moreover, a “perforation of posterior nasal septum” made it clear that the singer had a history of drug use. There were no signs of foul play, officials included, while also writing up a detailed account of Houston’s surroundings. It reads as follows: “Located on the south portion of the counter was a small spoon with a white crystal-like substance in it and a rolled up piece of white paper, along with other miscellaneous items.” Located in the top drawer, in the north side of the counter were remnants of a white powdery substance, and a portable mirror on a base. [Whitney] possibly overdosed on a narcotic substance, prescription medications, over the counter medications and alcohol.

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Whitney Houston Autopsy Reveals Cocaine Spoon, Bloody Nose and More