Tag Archives: donny deutsch

Buchanan & Deutsch: Imprison Pastor To Prevent Koran-Burning

Talk about your strange bedfellows . . . Both Pat Buchanan and Donny Deutsch have advocated the arrest of Pastor Terry Jones to prevent his possible burning of Korans and the danger to US troops such act would threaten.   The paleo-conservative and the New York liberal made common cause on today’s Morning Joe.  They were outnumbered by Mika Brzezinski, Dan Senor and John Heilemann, all of whom opposed the arrest-the-pastor proposal on First Amendment grounds. Buchanan and Deutsch expressed disregard for the First Amendment implications. Buchanan asserted that if Pres. Obama were to follow his advice, conservatives would support him and his popularity would zoom 10% overnight.  View video here. I encourage readers to view the video, weigh the arguments, and weigh in on our comments board.  My two cents say the move would be as impractical as it is unconstitutional, having repercussions that would turn the current situation into a fiasco.

Buchanan & Deutsch: Imprison Pastor To Prevent Koran-Burning

Hail Halperin: Calls Out Deutsch, Ford On Kanjorski Double-Standard

That Donny Deutsch and Harold Ford, Jr. would jump to defend a Democrat who made a hideously impolitic remark, whereas they would have skewered a Republican saying the same thing, is altogether predictable.  What was remarkable was that Mark Halperin called them out on it. It happened on Morning Joe today in the context of Dem PA Rep. Paul Kanjorski’s comment yesterday that a housing bill he was advocating helped “good, average Americans” and not “minorities” or “defective people.” Halperin was first to comment, and actually launched a pre-emptive strike against the double-standard, observing “this is one of those instances where you’ll hear a lot of Republicans say if this were a Republican congressman, the outcry would be a lot greater.” That didn’t prevent Ford and Deutsch from whitewashing Kanjorski’s words.  Ford dismissed the comments as “a complete slip of words.”   Despite admitting he doesn’t know Kanjorski, Deutsch somehow divined that “there wasn’t the malice behind those words.” When Willie Geist prodded Deutsch on Halperin’s double-standard point, the ad man suggested Dems were entitled to more forgiveness when it comes to these type of gaffes because “the Democratic brand is a more tolerant brand.”  Once again, Halperin took up the banner of fairness, confronting Deutsch and asking whether “you really want to say that the Republican brand doesn’t stand for racial tolerance?”  When Deutsch tried to argue the point, Halperin pointed to Lincoln as an example of Republican inclusiveness and Southern Dems who opposed civil rights in the ’60s as examples of the opposite. Halperin sent a final warning shot: “If you two are going to be so tolerant of what he did . . . the next time a Republican says something unfortunate, I’m going to remind you two of what you said today.” Kudos to Halperin.

Original post:
Hail Halperin: Calls Out Deutsch, Ford On Kanjorski Double-Standard

TV Bites: Danny McBride Takes Eastbound & Down South of the Border