Are the tumultuous, tawdry, terrible twosome of Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez getting the boot from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta? A series of new reports in recent days suggest that the VH1 series’ best known stars may not be coming back for Season 6. Can we really put any sort of stock in that, though? According to Starcasm, Stevie J and Joseline have allegedly been told that their (large) contracts won’t be renewed for the new season. This talk has not been confirmed, but it makes you wonder. The drama between the two of them has been legendary, and real life and reality TV have blended together like never before of late. If you watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta online , what you’ve been seeing – especially in this past year – is the VH1 beast eating its own tail. Even before Season 5 began airing, drama between Stevie J and Joseline was playing out online and escalating as the season progressed. By its end, Joseline accused Stevie J of molesting his daughter with Mimi Faust and said she passed a polygraph proving he loves gay porn . Yes, both of those things already happened. Crazily, that was not even the end of it. Stevie later confessed in a radio interview that he and his “wife” had never actually been married. Then, to top it all off, Hernandez got pregnant (supposedly) and disavowed Stevie … who may also be expecting another kid of his own. This all came to a head on the Season 5 reunion, obviously, boosting the show’s ratings higher than ever even as credibility suffered. Funny how that works. Not that seems to matter for the series’ viewers or tweeters, both of which reached record levels this spring. All of which brings us to today and talk that their “contracts for the VH1 show have not been renewed” and “ will not be renewed for Season 6 .” However … Both are reportedly in talks for spinoff shows; Stevie J’s is tentatively titled The Jordans, featuring the producer and his extended family. Stevie’s real name is Steven Jordan, and he has a lot of kids and baby mamas. Joseline’s alleged spinoff would focus on her pregnancy. Whether or not she’s actually pregnant, or Young Dro is the father, remain to be seen – but that’s neither here nor there at this juncture. Again, all of this is unconfirmed, so take it with a grain – nay, a boulder – of salt. Ditto Mimi Faust and her own recent cryptic comments. Mimi tweeted out “Goodbye Season 6” and stated she is on to “bigger and better things” while sharing a photo of herself and her agent. Are we suddenly looking at a mass exodus?! View Slideshow: Joseline and Stevie J: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Feud Goes NUCLEAR! D. Smith is also said to be on the fence about returning, hinting on social media posts over the past few months that he may also peace out. That would leave the show down many cast members heading into Season 6, but remember that social media is a huge marketing tool. VH1, perhaps more than any other network, uses Twitter and the like to build buzz for its on- and off-screen drama, to massive success. Don’t be surprised when everyone re-ups for new deals just in time to resume filming, and for the contrived drama to be literally unprecedented. Well, maybe not unprecedented. There was this … Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Fight Video
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Stevie J and Joseline: FIRED From Love & Hip Hop Atlanta!?