Tag Archives: nobody-wants

Prince Harry: Nobody Wants to Be a Royal!

Prince Harry … let’s just tell it like it is, Prince Harry is dreamy . He’s charming, attractive, good with kids and animals. He’s also an actual prince. What could be dreamier? But as Harry reveals in a shockingly intimate interview with Newsweek, he actually doesn’t have much interest in being an actual prince, or in being a royal at all. So is he really the dreamboat we always imagined him to be? One particular quote from the interview has several people up in arms — a quote where Harry claimed that no one in the royal family is really all that into it. “Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen?” he asks. “I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time.” The issue is that Harry and his family live in a literal palace and have access to all sorts of servants and all sorts of admiration from the public . From the moment they were born, they were set aside as special, and they never had to deal with so many of the struggles that everyone else faces. So to hear him sound so unappreciative of all he’s been given in life … well, it’s rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. But as he reveals in the rest of the interview, his statement comes from a deep desire to just be a normal person. And that’s understandable, isn’t it? “My mother took a huge part in showing me an ordinary life,” he explains, “including taking me and my brother to see homeless people.” “Thank goodness I’m not completely cut off from reality.” He says that “People would be amazed by the ordinary life William and I live. I do my own shopping.” Harry admits that sometimes he gets scared that he’ll get too much attention while shopping for groceries, but “I am determined to have a relatively normal life, and if I’m lucky enough to have children, they can have one too.” “Even if I was king, I would do my own shopping.” He says that it’s “a tricky balancing act,” being royal and still trying to live a normal life , because “We don’t want to dilute the magic.” “The British public and the whole world need institutions like it.” But while he thinks the monarchy is important, he’s also intent on “modernizing” it. He explains that while, by the numbers, he and William are doing much less work than the Queen, it’s because they’re putting an emphasis on quality over quantity. “We use our time wisely,” he claims. “We don’t want to turn up, shake hands but not get involved.” For Harry, using his time wisely means focusing on the kind work that Princess Diana would have wanted him to be involved with. It also means doing something the royal family has never done: raising awareness about mental health and the importance of getting treatment when needed. He says that after his mother died, he “shut down” for almost 20 years, and he struggled with being in the position he was in. But William convinced him to get counseling when he was 28, and now he’s “fired up and energized and love charity stuff, meeting people and making them laugh.” “I sometimes still feel I am living in a goldfish bowl,” he reveals, “but now I manage it better.” “I still have a naughty streak too, which I enjoy and is how I relate to those individuals who have got themselves into trouble.” So it seems that even though he may not have a desire to be king, he’s still embracing his role in his own special way. And really, what more could we ask for? View Slideshow: 16 Times Prince Harry Made Us Royally Swoon

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Prince Harry: Nobody Wants to Be a Royal!

8 Marketing Strategies Struggle Rappers Need To Let Go

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We are living in a time where everybody wants to be a performer and nobody wants to be a fan. With the popularity of the…

8 Marketing Strategies Struggle Rappers Need To Let Go

Melissa McCarthy Isn’t Too Jazzed About a Wiig-Less Bridesmaids 2, Either

For many fans a Bridesmaids sequel moving forward without star Kristen Wiig is nearly unthinkable, and that goes for would-be sequel star Melissa McCarthy . E! Online’s Marc Malkin asked McCarthy if she’d be in without Wiig at last weekend’s Palm Springs International Film Festival. “God, I wouldn’t want to,” she said. “I would never want to. I think it’s a terrible idea…I don’t [know] anything about it,” she said. “But I know that nobody wants to do it unless it’s great. If it is, I will show up wherever those ladies are.” Those ladies — as in, all the Bridesmaids ladies? That’s solidarity, sister. [ E! Online ]

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Melissa McCarthy Isn’t Too Jazzed About a Wiig-Less Bridesmaids 2, Either

Rush Limbaugh: Electric Cars are Overpriced AIDS Ribbons

Photo via CSMonitor Politico reports that Rush Limbaugh spent a huge chunk of yesterday’s radio broadcast lambasting the Chevy Volt and the tax credits supporting them. Through the course of his ranting, it became clear — as it so often does — that Limbaugh has no idea what he’s talking about. In it, he asserted that “nobody wants” electric cars, and that they amount to nothing more than overpriced AIDS rib… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Rush Limbaugh: Electric Cars are Overpriced AIDS Ribbons

Caned Tuna

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Caned Tuna

Rosanna Arquette’s Sweet MILF Profile Shot

I think this is the first time I’ve had pictures of Rosanna Arquette on the site, not that that should be a shock to you considering nobody wants anything to do with her career wise, but she seems to have a couple of qualities I look for in a woman. Can you guess what they are

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Rosanna Arquette’s Sweet MILF Profile Shot

Halle Berry Can’t Hide All Her Bumps

Here’s Halle Berry out the other day with a strategically placed purse covering her baby bump from the paparazzi. I don’t know why she feels the need to cover that shit up, nobody wants to see it, other than maybe a few single thirty year old chicks with their wombs hanging out. Don’t sit too close to your computer ladies or you’ll never get pregnant.

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Halle Berry Can’t Hide All Her Bumps