It’s the most famous scene in Eclipse , perhaps even in the entire Twilight Saga: Bella, Edward and Jacob all end up in a single tent, as the former snuggles up to the latter and… … we don’t wanna ruin it for anyone that hasn’t read the book. But Robert Pattinson , Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart sat down with the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly and discussed putting these words on screen. Shooting the scene took two days, Lautner said, referring to it as “my favorite, because it’s the first time Edward and Jacob are actually able to connect and understand each other.” Pattinson describes the final outcome as “erotic,” with Stewart explaining why: “In the book there’s a serious sexual tension. As I’m sleeping, Jacob is staring over my vulnerable body, and he’s naked in this f- - -ing sleeping bag because you heat up faster that way, and Jacob and Edward are leveling with each other. From there, the pair exhibited the kind of chemistry that has helped make the Twilight Saga so huge – and, let’s face it, has made Rob and Kristen a couple, even if they won’t admit it. This is the exchange that concluded this excerpt from the interview: Pattinson : I can’t really get over the fact that the word thought sounds like fart . Stewart : The word thought does not sound like fart. Pattinson : It does. Stewart : Maybe because you are an English person. Pattinson : The opening line of that scene is “Can you at least keep your farts to yourself?” I couldn’t quite get over that. Sigh . We just love this pair, don’t you?

Originally posted here:
On Farts and Nudity: Eclipse Stars Talk Tent Scene
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged double-hotness, exchange, interview, Kristen Stewart, pair, twilight, twilight-saga, understand-each, vulnerable, words-on-screen