Tag Archives: doubles-down

‘Supergirl’: Thanksgiving Is A Time for Super-Family Truthbombs in ‘Livewire’

“Supergirl” doubles down on the interpersonal drama as Kara celebrates Thanksgiving — and tries to protect National City from a new lightning-enhanced threat — in “Livewire.”

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‘Supergirl’: Thanksgiving Is A Time for Super-Family Truthbombs in ‘Livewire’

Michelle Duggar Likens Transgender People to Child Molesters

In light of the Josh Duggar molestation scandal , this is pretty incredible. Michelle Duggar, the mother of Josh and 18 other siblings, famously lobbied against an ordinance by the Fayetteville (Ark.) City Council last year. The law would have allowed transgender people to use the restroom of their gender identity. Michelle was steadfastly opposted. The main reason? Fear that transgendered men would molest women and girls. The entire transcript of the hypocritical call appears below. Hello, this is Michelle Duggar. I’m calling to inform you of some shocking news that would affect the safety of Northwest Arkansas women and children. The Fayetteville City Council is voting on an ordinance this Tuesday night that would allow men – yes I said men – to use womens and girls restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas and other areas that are designated for females only. I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls. I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child. Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool’s private changing area? I still believe that we are a society that puts women and children first. Women, young ladies and little girls deserve to use the restroom or any other facility in peace and safety. Will you speak up for protecting women and children?

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Michelle Duggar Likens Transgender People to Child Molesters

Waitress DECKS Disgusting Customer: Is This Video Real?!?

Note to Josh Duggar : be grateful you did not try to molest the woman featured in the video above. This footage has gone viral because it appears to feature a waitress in Russia who responds in authoritative fashion when a patron acts very inappropriately with her. When the unnamed individual attempts to stuff money down the woman's shirt, she hits the man hard enough to knock him out of his chair. However, instead of learning his lesson and scurrying off, the customer doubles down and grabs the waitress' rear end. Watch now to see how the waitress responds and try to decide: is this video real? And, if so, can the woman be given a Nobel Prize or what?!?

Read more here:
Waitress DECKS Disgusting Customer: Is This Video Real?!?

Marion Barry Doubles Down on "Dirty Asians"


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Marion Barry was D.C.’s mayor for sixteen years (1979-91 and 1995-99), and currently he’s a city council member representing Ward 8, a section of D.C. that’s overwhelmingly African-American. Barry, who popularized the phrase “Bitch set me up!” during an FBI sting operation that sent him to prison, is back in the news for declaring that Asian business owners in his district should be driven out. “We… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 22/04/2012 13:30 Number of articles : 2

Marion Barry Doubles Down on "Dirty Asians"