Tag Archives: dress-planning

Flashback Friday – Sophie Turner’s Mug Shots From March of the Day

Someone just emailed me Sophie Turner’s criminal record and mug shot and it made me laugh. For those of you who don’t know who Sophie Turner is, She’s an Australian celebrity who dropped out of Law School, because she won some kind of Australian reality show about being a model, moved to LA to continue her quest of stardom, the USA didn’t give a fuck, despite her attempts to get noticed by the paparazzi but instead she just turned to twitter for attention… she got married for a Greencard, went back to law school and is now a lawyer…and is now getting arrested for 273.6 of the California Penal Law …despite her normally being more about the penal to further her acting career that never was…and lawyer career that must be comical every time her fake tits give you legal advice… So someone sent me these documents from when she got arrested for domestic violence, beating her husband. It was back in March, but she’s so irrelevant that’s how long it takes for this shit to trickle in…in fact she’s probably the one who sent it to me, since I’ve been around since 2004 and I am probably the only person who knows she exists…

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Flashback Friday – Sophie Turner’s Mug Shots From March of the Day

Kim Matula Nipple Slip at Some Emmy Event of the Day

I’ve never heard of Kim Matula, but I have seen her nipple, all thanks to some strategic dress planning for some EMMY bullshit that happened yesterday or the day before… Apparently, she’s some 26 year old Texan who is on Bold and the Beautiful, where I guess she plays the Bold, you know the kind of bitch who would pull out her tit on the red carpet of the only event she is probably invited to attend, as being a Soap Star is the equivalent of being a porn star, without the nudity, and the actors who play soap stars and debatably less talented than the actors who are in porn…and the reality is more middle aged fat women masturbate to Soap Operas than they do porn, so maybe Soap Operas are considered porn…either way…nipple. #450911014 / gettyimages.com #450902622 / gettyimages.com

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Kim Matula Nipple Slip at Some Emmy Event of the Day