Kim Kardashian made it clear in a recent interview with V : She wants to one day earn herself a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Is this in any way plausible? A chamber of commerce rep was asked that question by The Hollywood Reporter and essentially responded: No, not unless Kardashian, you know, actually accomplishes something. “Part of criteria in being honored is receiving awards such as Emmys, SAG Awards, Oscars, etc. in the category of television, live-stage performance or motion pictures,” said this person in the know. “They have to have a career in the business of acting for five years or more.” Kardashian has (unfortunately) guest-starred on How I Met Your Mother and Drop Dead Diva . She’ll even make an appearance in an upcoming Tyler Perry movie . If that’s not enough, would Kardashian’s career in front of E! cameras qualify her for a spot alongside the legends of Hollywood Boulevard? Could reality stars ever be treated in such high regard? The rep offered a simple answer: That’s “not on our radar right now.” Sorry, Kim. We hate to be the bearer of such bad, obvious news. (Editor’s Note: That’s not true. We enjoy it.)
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Kim Kardashian Hollywood Walk of Fame Dreams: Crushed!