Despite photos of Lamar Odom packing it up and doing what looks like moving out amid rumors he may have cheated on wife Khloe Kardashian-Odom with over 50 women , friends of the baller say he’s shocked by the claims he’s stepped out and remains faithfully devoted to his wife. Via Hollywood Life reports : Lamar Odom is so in love with his wife Khoe Kardashian that he can’t even bear to talk about the horrible rumors that he’s stepping out on her. And while he thinks the best way to approach the claims is to say nothing and wait for them to go away, he says he would happily tell the world he’s a one-woman man if Khloe asked him to. We know Lamar loves Khloe unconditionally and he would never do anything to hurt her, so it’s no wonder he is shocked by all of these claims that he’s cheating on her, a source close to the one-time Sixth Man of the Year tells EXCLUSIVELY. “It makes him upset to even talk about Khloe and his marriage in this way because it’s so outrageous,” the source reveals. “He’s in love. He can’t live without Khloe. What is this — isht on Khloe and Lamar month?” Lamar considers his marriage to Khloe their business, and his first instinct is to stay silent and wait for the rumors to dispel. He’s not about to talk to the public about something that isn’t even true. “Lamar ain’t happy about the rumors either but his motto is if you say nothing it will all go away,” the source says. “For him to go out there and talk about his marriage would only be appease the public. For what? When they took their vows it was between them and then only, not not the public, not the media, just them.” That said, if Khloe asked Lamar to put a stop to the rumors once and for all, he would definitely do that for her. “He’ll do whatever Khloe asks of him — he loves her and wants her happy no matter what,” our source reveals. “If that’s something she wants so everyone would stop sh*tting on them, them he would do it.” Either way, Lamar and Khloe are still going strong — nothing can bring them down! “He can’t control what the media says about him but he can control his feelings for Khloe and they are 100 percent in love and together,” the source says. Despite the fact that Khloe and Lamar may not have been spotted out in public as a united front since June 2, they are reportedly going to be renewing their wedding vows soon. “When they took their vows, they meant it,” a source tells EXCLUSIVELY. “They’re in it for the long run and they [will] stand by each other ’til the end.” This seems like damage control at it’s best. Do you believe these two are still going strong??? Hit the flip for some interesting Instagram philosophizing from Khloe. Instagram
Lost Without You: Lamar Kardashian Would Do ANYTHING For Wife Khloe… Wants To Renew Wedding Vows!