Tag Archives: kaiser-aluminum

Stop The Violence: 88-Year-Old World War II Vet Beaten To Death By Teens, Cops Say Attack Was Random

Here is something we can’t understand… How could they just kill this man? The conservative media is going to have a field day with this one. 2 black teens are suspected of beating an 88-year-old war veteran to death for no apparent reason . Via CNN reports : Delbert Belton, a retired aluminum company worker, served in the Pacific. There, friends say, he took a bullet in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa. But Wednesday night, Belton — affectionately called “Shorty” by friends for his height — headed to the Eagles Lodge where he was a regular. Police found him in the parking lot, with serious head injuries. He died Thursday. “It does appear random,” Spokane police Lt. Mark Griffiths told reporters. “It appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault.” The randomness of the two attacks was not lost on Ted Denison, who’s been friends with Belton for a long time. The two men met more than 20 years ago and worked on cars together. “We were mechanic buddies,” the 42-year-old Denison said. “We just kind of kicked right along… We went dancing on Saturday nights,” Denison said. “We went out to breakfast together.” Belton stopped by the Eagles Lodge two or three times a week. He played pool, but by his own admission, wasn’t too good at it. “He went up there and played pool, met with some of the guys he used to work with at Kaiser Aluminum,” where he was employed more than 30 years, Denison said. His wife died several years ago. The WW II vet is survived by a son, 65. Wednesday night, Denison was outside the lodge waiting for a friend because he didn’t want her to walk home alone, Lillian Duncan told the Spokesman-Review newspaper. “He was so awesome,” Duncan told the paper. “Anybody that didn’t get to know him missed out on a wonderful angel in their life.” Police are looking for two suspects. Witnesses described them as “young African American males of average build,” according to a police statement. What is with these teenagers picking folks at “random” for brutal murkings? The saddest part, besides Delbert’s death of course, is that these ain’t isht thugs are definitely making life harder for the Trayvons of the world. Everybody ain’t like this, but you know people are looking for any excuse to justify their fear of the black man. SMH. We hope they catch these a$$holes ASAP. Photo Credit: Ted Denison/Spokane Police Department

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Stop The Violence: 88-Year-Old World War II Vet Beaten To Death By Teens, Cops Say Attack Was Random