Tag Archives: early-age

Angus T. Jones (Jake) Denounces Two And A Half Men In The Name Of Jesus Calling It “Filth… Please Stop Watching!” [Video]

Ashton must be getting higher than Charlie Sheen… if at all possible. He also talks about his early age drug usage. Angus is Seventh Day Adventist… and we must say we are all for whatever it takes to get you right with yourself. He makes a lot of sense as well. youtube cbs

Original post:
Angus T. Jones (Jake) Denounces Two And A Half Men In The Name Of Jesus Calling It “Filth… Please Stop Watching!” [Video]

Marie Osmond: A History of Heartache

Fame and fortune may have come at an early age, but Marie Osmond has also had her share of trials, tribulations and heartache. But through it all, the legendary entertainer, 50, has proven…

Originally posted here:
Marie Osmond: A History of Heartache

Former Teachers Nun Too Pleased With Lady Gaga

If you were a part in the education of Lady Gaga at an early age, how would you feel about the current fruits of your labor? Yeah, we’re not sure either. Teachers at the…

Go here to see the original:
Former Teachers Nun Too Pleased With Lady Gaga