Tag Archives: eight-letters

17 Awkward Valentine’s Day Cards: It’s Hard Out There For a Relationship!

Courtship, chivalry and arguably romance are not what they used to be. For better or worse, younger adults and teenagers are changing the way we look at dating. Traditional rules are out the window. In many respects, this can be good, making the process more efficient and rejecting outdated paradigms and expectations. In other respects, the inundation of technology and today’s ” hookup culture ” have made more than a few love lives really confusing and at times uncomfortable. It’s hard out there for a relationship in 2014, and these 17 awkward Valentine’s Day cards reflect the changing times we live in, while providing plenty of LOLs. Click below to scroll through them and feel the Valentine’s Day magic … 17 Awkwardest Valentine’s Day Cards Open Slideshow 1. Modern Love This is what long-term relationships aspire to be like in the age of the iPhone. View As List

17 Awkward Valentine’s Day Cards: It’s Hard Out There For a Relationship!