Tag Archives: search-engine

Ashanti Almost Pussy Flash of the Day

No one cared about Ashanti when she was at the top of her Ashanti game getting famous as Ashanti even though I don’t know who Ashanti is but I like writing her name over and over in what I am sure is not a troll on google Search Engine Optimization that makes me the number one source of Ashanti content… So I can’t imagine people care about Ashanti now, but that isn’t stopping her of bringing out her big body doing slutty instagram things, in bikini, in see through outfits, and in this….casual glimpse into her inner thigh the way you want it…assuming you want it…you probably don’t want it…but I’ll post it anyway… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Ashanti Almost Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ashanti Almost Pussy Flash of the Day

This Is Why Trump Comes Up When You Google “Idiot” & These Other Choice Words

Source: Taylor Hill / Getty On Tuesday, the CEO for Google, Sundar Pichai, found himself in an awkward situation when he had to explain Trump’s association with one particular word. According to The Verge , Pichai was being questioned at a House Judiciary Committee hearing where Congress people were trying to decide if Google manipulated search results based on political bias. When Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) stepped up to question Pichai, she wondered why pictures of Donald Trump were the first to show up when the word “idiot” was typed in Google image. “Right now, if you google the word ‘idiot’ under images, a picture of Donald Trump comes up. I just did that,” she said. “How would that happen?” Uuuum… Pichai was ready for Rep. Lofgren. He put forth a general explanation of how Google search engines work: “Any time you type in a keyword, as Google we have gone out and crawled and stored copies of billions of [websites’] pages in our index. And we take the keyword and match it against their pages and rank them based on over 200 signals — things like relevance, freshness, popularity, how other people are using it. And based on that, at any given time, we try to rank and find the best search results for that query. And then we evaluate them with external raters, and they evaluate it to objective guidelines. And that’s how we make sure the process is working” Any further questions Lofgren??? Luckily, Lofgren was on Pichai’s side and was trying to refute the idea that Google’s search engine was politically motivated. She followed up with another question… “So it’s not some little man sitting behind the curtain figuring out what we’re going to show the user?” Lofgren asked sarcastically. Pichai replied, “This is working at scale, and we don’t manually intervene on any particular search result.” News outlets peeped the “idiot” Trump results earlier this year.  They revealed that certain outside parties have something to do with Google’s search results. According to The Guardian , one reason Trump’s face is associated with the word “idiot” is because protesters used Green Day ‘s “American Idiot” song to soundtrack Trump’s trip to London. There’s also been an intentional campaign to associate Trump’s picture with the word by manipulating Google’s algorithms. A lot of this involved people up-voting a Reddit post containing a photo of him and the word “idiot.” Such tactics are known as “Google bombing.” Trump isn’t the first to get Google-bombed either. According The Verge , in the mid-2000s, searches for “miserable failure” notoriously returned results about President George W. Bush. So whether it’s Google bombers or natural Google algorithms, the word “idiot” and Trump can’t help but be linked together. What are ya gonna do.   With that being said, we thought we’d share some other words that seem to result in Trump’s face if you Google them. Hit the next pages to find out what they are. Remember… Google did it, not us.

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This Is Why Trump Comes Up When You Google “Idiot” & These Other Choice Words

Justin Bieber: Shirtless and Skateboarding!

Justin Bieber may be hard at work on a new album , but the singer still has time to enjoy one of his favorite hobbies. Going shirtless? Yes, actually. But we're referring more to skateboarding in this case. The artist posted a pair of videos to his Instagram account this week, both of which we've included here in a single video and both of which feature Bieber on his skateboard He isn't wearing a shirt in the opening footage, but he is landing some sick tricks! “This is a good run for me,” Bieber wrote as a caption, making it clear that even he's impressed with his own skills. Did you know that Bieber likes to skateboard? Probably. But did you know these other 17 Justin Bieber facts and figures?

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Justin Bieber: Shirtless and Skateboarding!

Woman Learns Husband is Ashley Madison Client… on Live Radio

Josh Duggar cheated on his wife via the website Ashley Madison. We know this because the recent Ashley Madison hack revealed Duggar to be a client … and also because Duggar admitted to a porn addiction and to infidelity in a subsequent statement. But a woman named Jo wasn't sure about her husband. After learning about the Ashley Madison hack , she called in to an Australian radio show that told listeners it was plugging email addresses into a search engine live on air to see if people’s partners had an account on this adult website, which helps spouses find folks with whom to have an affair. You can see where this is going, right? Want to see how Jo reacts upon discovering her husband has been actively seeking other sex partners? Click Play now.

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Woman Learns Husband is Ashley Madison Client… on Live Radio

Failed Hijacking and Other Videos of the Day

Construction Worker Doesn’t Like the Drone Multi Car Accident Grandma VS Rat Rental Car VS Pole Bouncers VS a Dude Don’t Text and Drive… The post Failed Hijacking and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Failed Hijacking and Other Videos of the Day

Lucy Hale is Slutty for Yahoo of the Day

I guess Lucy Hale is some very famous young actress who I think is on the show Pretty Little Liars with other really famous young actresses you’ve probably barely heard of unless you watch Pretty Little Liars because you’re a high school gym teacher and it gives you a reference point to connect with your students before fucking them….or at least masturbating thinking about fucking them…even though Lucy Hale is in her 20s, she still represents a slut teen, and in porn that’s the most popular category….because people don’t like old, washed up, used up bitches…and young girls are so fun… I don’t know if she matters, I know the show is popular, which means she probably gets a lot of other work, or is trying to, because you don’t want to get typecast…like you were the cast of Facts of Life, the Cosby Show, or pretty much any successful show except maybe for friends, where Jennifer ANiston was able to take her nipples to Romantic Comedies… It doesn’t matter, because these Yahoo Style pics aren’t that good, I just like that Yahoo, which was once a GOOGLE search engine is now a magazine making pantyhose fetish porn…. The post Lucy Hale is Slutty for Yahoo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lucy Hale is Slutty for Yahoo of the Day

Johnny Cash Love Letter Voted Greatest of All Time: Read It and Weep!

When you hear the name Johnny Cash, you probably think of the rugged, gravel-voiced Man in Black who was as well-known for his hard-partying ways as for his timeless contributions to the world of country music. But apparently, beneath that rough exterior beat the heart of a true romantic, because when Cash wasn’t penning tunes about shooting men just to watch them die, he was composing love letters that would make the badass inmate at Folsom get a little misty. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, a British insurance company commissioned a poll to determine the greatest love letter of all time.  Despite some stiff competition from the likes of poet John Keats and Henry VIII (?!), Cash came out on top with this mash note for his wife June Carter Cash, written on her birthday in 1994: If it just got a little too dusty in here for you to make out the text, here’s what Cash had to say to his longtime love: “We get old and we get used to each other. We think alike. We read each others minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe we sometimes take each other for granted. “But once in a while, like today, I meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met. You still fascinate and inspire me. You influence me for the better. You’re the object of my desire, the #1 Earthly reason for my existence. I love you very much.” Yeah, feel free to crib that one word-for-word if you’re at a loss for what to scribble in your last-minute Hallmark card, fellas. Makes Michael Jordan’s love letters sound like the lunatic ramblings of a man driven to insanity by the thought that he might one day own the Charlotte Bobcats. The 2005 film Walk the Line  memorably depicted June and Johnny’s romance, but this letter gives us a sense of what really kept the First Couple of Country Music united throughout their many ups and downs. So steal from Mr. Cash, if you can. Whatever you do, don’t take any cues from the unbelievably awkward Valentine’s Day cards in the gallery below: 17 Awkwardest Valentine’s Day Cards 1. Modern Love View Photo This is what long-term relationships aspire to be like in the age of the iPhone. 2. Commitment is Scary View Photo Let’s just put that out there at the onset before we get too serious. 3. We’re a Thing View Photo Who needs labels? I’m glad we’re a thing, whatever that thing might be. 4. #webothhatethesamestuff View Photo Nothing sums up a match made in heaven than a hashtag acknowledging mutual dislike for the same things. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Obsessed With You View Photo I’m obsessed with you. But I know that sounds kind of weird, so I swear it’s non-creepy. 6. I Love You and Cats View Photo Because relationships come and go, but cats are forever. 7. You Auto-Complete Me View Photo You don’t just complete me. You complete me so obviously that a search engine knows it instantly. 8. You’re Okay View Photo You’re okay on Valentine’s Day. The ultimate vote of confidence. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Three Words, Eight Letters View Photo It’s not always easy to say “I love you” … in fact most of the time it can be excruciating. 10. More Than Pizza View Photo If you love someone more than pizza, he or she must be a keeper … because PIZZA!! 11. There’s a Card For Everything View Photo This Valentine’s Day card may be really specific, but if you’re in this situation, how perfect is it?! 12. Pause-Worthy View Photo I would pause my game for you, which means you must be really special. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. You Are Not Bad View Photo A perfect Valentine’s Day message for someone who doesn’t totally suck at life. 14. I Like Like You View Photo I more than just like you. I like like you. If that makes any sense. 15. Kanye Loves Kanye View Photo Kanye loves Kanye, a lot, and I love you almost to that ridiculously high degree. 16. I Heart You, Asterisk View Photo I heart you … but with a fairly long and involved disclaimer. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. Taking it Slow View Photo The ever-popular “let’s take things slow” V-Day card, with hilarious Internet Explorer analogy. The End. Did you like 17 Awkwardest Valentine’s Day Cards? If so, please share: Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Email a Friend Pin on Pinterest Want more? Get more content like this delivered to your inbox for FREE:

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Johnny Cash Love Letter Voted Greatest of All Time: Read It and Weep!

17 Awkward Valentine’s Day Cards: It’s Hard Out There For a Relationship!

Courtship, chivalry and arguably romance are not what they used to be. For better or worse, younger adults and teenagers are changing the way we look at dating. Traditional rules are out the window. In many respects, this can be good, making the process more efficient and rejecting outdated paradigms and expectations. In other respects, the inundation of technology and today’s ” hookup culture ” have made more than a few love lives really confusing and at times uncomfortable. It’s hard out there for a relationship in 2014, and these 17 awkward Valentine’s Day cards reflect the changing times we live in, while providing plenty of LOLs. Click below to scroll through them and feel the Valentine’s Day magic … 17 Awkwardest Valentine’s Day Cards Open Slideshow 1. Modern Love This is what long-term relationships aspire to be like in the age of the iPhone. View As List

17 Awkward Valentine’s Day Cards: It’s Hard Out There For a Relationship!

Lil Kim Takes Shots at Cash Money on “Looks Like Money” [NEW MUSIC]

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If you ask Google what Lil Kim looks like you’ll get a variety of answers. A query on the popular search engine auto-populates results that…

Lil Kim Takes Shots at Cash Money on “Looks Like Money” [NEW MUSIC]

Lil Kim Takes Shots at Cash Money on “Looks Like Money” [NEW MUSIC]

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If you ask Google what Lil Kim looks like you’ll get a variety of answers. A query on the popular search engine auto-populates results that…

Lil Kim Takes Shots at Cash Money on “Looks Like Money” [NEW MUSIC]