Tag Archives: employees-tell

Rolex Store Employee Told 911 She Was “Uncomfortable” Letting John Henson In To Buy A Watch [Listen]

Employees Tell Cops They Were Uncomfortable Letting Henson Into Rolex Store John Henson detailed his experience getting racially profiled last week after employees at a Milwaukee Rolex wouldn’t let him in the store because he is Black. However, the store claims it was all a big unfortunate misunderstanding, stemming from an unrelated situation that occurred a few days before Henson arrived to buy his first Rolex watch. Apparently the car that Henson arrived in looked similar to one that had “cased” the store over the weekend. And John made the “mistake” of calling the store before arrival to double check what their hours were before he made his purchase. Via Deadspin : The audio starts with a call from Friday, Oct. 16, with a woman saying the store had gotten “a couple suspicious phone calls” and would like an officer to come and sit in front of the store until it closes. The dispatcher asked the woman to describe the calls and she said ,“They’re just asking about what time we’re gonna close and they just didn’t sound like they were legitimate customers.” The audio picks up again on Monday, Oct. 19, the day that Henson said he was profiled. In this call, the woman tells dispatch, “We had some suspects Friday. They had stolen plates on their cars. The officer told us if they came back we were supposed to call again. They’re at our front door now, and we’re not letting them in.” Take a listen to the call. Do you hear racism…or reasonable caution? Hmmm…it sounds like the shop worker would have been nervous about just about any Black man showing up to her place of employment after whatever happened Friday. SMH. Instagram

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Rolex Store Employee Told 911 She Was “Uncomfortable” Letting John Henson In To Buy A Watch [Listen]

Willie Nelson’s Lawyer — Expert Weed Defender

Filed under: Willie Nelson , Celebrity Justice They say marijuana affects your memory — but Willie Nelson seems to remember the lawyer who got him off a weed charge 16 years ago … because the singer just hired him for his new pot predicament. TMZ spoke with Nelson’s attorney, Joe Turner , who… Read more

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Willie Nelson’s Lawyer — Expert Weed Defender

Britney Spears — Christmas Time at Walmart

Filed under: Britney Spears Britney Spears is rollin’ back the prices on her holiday shopping — with a low budget excursion to a Los Angeles area Walmart yesterday … yes, they have Walmarts in L.A. Store employees tell us Brit Brit usually comes by every year around the… Read more

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Britney Spears — Christmas Time at Walmart