Tag Archives: ethnic-looking

Hailey Baldwin for Revolve of the Day

Hotter and more Brazilian cousin of Ireland…daughter of Stephen and some Brazilian he probably imported when she was 16 and he was addicted to drugs not Jesus, Hailey Baldwin, is doing some campaign as a model, because when you’re connected and raised in the right scene, it’s a pretty easy thing to pull off, it takes one text message to the brand and they jump because even with budgets, a celebrity daughter, even Stephen Baldwin’s daughter, who is barely a celebrity daughter, can power through and get noticed…it’s the it thing to do when you’re a bi-coastal 18 year old…they are all doing it…because when daddy can buy you anything you want, what you end up wanting is fans of your fucking own I guess and the good thing is she doesn’t look as doughy and Ogre-y as her lesbian cousin….shes’ actually kinda hot…so keep the pics comin’…and collectively we’ll make the dudes comin to her…no homo….

Hailey Baldwin for Revolve of the Day

Sarah Shahi Possible Nudes of the Day

She’s 32, She’s American depsite her ethnic looking face and name, cuz her dad is Iranian, and thus she is something you racist Americans hate….because they blow shit up with their Oil money….despite how good his daughter is….cuz racism doesn’t get blinded by hot pussy, because all you see is red and tainted womn to your puritan freaks…. I’m from the school of fuck anything worth fucking….even if it gives you HIV….and even if she’s not worth fucking…but I guess that’s cuz I am a lover not a hater…. She was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys who became an actor who was in such revolutionary roles like Farah in Sleeper Cell, Dani in Life and now she’s in a show called Fairly Legal….she’s a mom…..this post has been brought to you by her Wikipedia page….and here is her possibly rockin’ PG-13 Nude Selfies her team made her do…to get more noticed..

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Sarah Shahi Possible Nudes of the Day

Game of Thrones Nudity of the Day

I don’t’ watch Game of Thrones, but apparently everyone else in the fucking world does…because you are all drone losers with shitty lives who need to turn to a television show for distraction, purpose, and something to talk about…I mean if you didn’t watch Game of Thrones what would your FB status update be every fucking Monday…and if you missed Game of Thrones you could always just complain at all the people on FB who spoiled it for you… The point is that I encourage mass mentality, because I think when programmed by the right person, good things will happen…like mass destruction.. I also encourage any TV show with Nudity that is making other TV shows do nudity, because for someone who has always been too “racy” for the mainstream, this porno generation is catching up with me and I like it.. Her name is Nathalie Emmanuel…and her tits are tits on TV, that prior to this may have been tits in the porno…and right now are tits on my site…fascinating… TO SEE MORE CABLE NUDITY CLICK HERE

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Game of Thrones Nudity of the Day

Caroline Wozniacki and Serena Williams Bikini of the Day

Caroline Wozniacki and Serena Williams are pro tennis players who decided to hit the beach in Miami to show you the extreme differences in Tennis bodies…one of the tennis bodies may be a man doing some lady bug shit to win against the girls…I mean the white girl doesn’t stand a fucking chance… In the event you’ve never been to this site, you will know that I don’t like sports, I find them a waste of fucking time up some mindless bullshit for idiots to get excited about…but maybe I am just gay… But I do love women’s tennis…not that these pics really do it justice, but girls screaming, moaning, almost orgasmic while sweating and grunting…as their skirts flash their panties…is as close to hardcore porn as a sport can get…and for that…I commend these champions…even if they both aren’t the one’s I masturbate too when it is on TV….

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Caroline Wozniacki and Serena Williams Bikini of the Day

Samantha Totem Titties for Fashion of the Day

The hipster models name is SAMANTHA TOTEM ….you’ve probably never heard of her, because I haven’t heard of her, and I’ve heard of everyone….and she’s fucking amazing…I mean a young, skinny, ethnic looking face with big tits and a nice ass, that makes even the most racist mexican or asian or whatever the fuck she is, racist willing to overlook his bigotry and fuck…. She is being shot by a photographer named Zach McCaffree , who you haven’t heard of because you’re more into the tits in pictures than the dude who lures the girl into the apartment, convinces to get half naked, and takes the pics and releases them out to the internet…. I don’t think these pics are for anything but the dudes portfolio, which makes it even more impressive that he got her naked. Good job Zach.

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Samantha Totem Titties for Fashion of the Day