Tag Archives: even-hornier

Alessandra Ambrosio Sunday Bikini Party of the Day

Even when Alessandra Ambrosio is half naked, which is all the time, she’s a Victoria’s Secre model, she manages to be boring as fuck. She gets paid millions of dollars for this and this is the best she can do..it’s pretty depressing… But I guess she’s a mom and she’s pushing 40 so she’s not terrible…if all moms in their 40s looked this good, the world would be a very confusing place for me, I wouldn’t know what to not masturbate to…you know there would just be too much of a spectrum of good enough to get off to…I already have a hard enough time getting through all the dirty panties I convince girls to mail me….and my cut off age is 30…..I can’t take an extra decade of even hornier girls..thanks to depriving themselves with marriage and all other things… Either way, she’s good enough, not worth millions, but good enough. Here’s some Paparzzi Pics of her From a While Ago… The post Alessandra Ambrosio Sunday Bikini Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alessandra Ambrosio Sunday Bikini Party of the Day