Screw surfing! Dirt bike surfing is the future. This video is truly awesome!
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Dirt Bike Surfing
Screw surfing! Dirt bike surfing is the future. This video is truly awesome!
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Dirt Bike Surfing
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged bennyhollywood, carmella-rose, cody simpson, dibs-doesn, dirt bike surfing, evidence-below, future, Hollywood, instababe, quick-look, surfing, TMZ, video, viral-video
Today’s InstaBabe is LA model Carmella Rose , and trust me, all it takes is a quick look through her Instagram , and you’ll understand why I picked her. (And just in case these pictures aren’t enough, I’ve included some video evidence below too.) As far as I can tell, the only downside to this super-hottie is that I just read somewhere she might be dating that Cody Simpson loser. So first he almost ruins Gigi Hadid , and now he’s going after my InstaBabes? I can’t argue with the guy’s taste in women, but c’mon, I saw them first! It’s like calling dibs doesn’t mean anything anymore. » view all 20 photos
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Carmella Rose Is An InstaBabe You Should Know
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged carmella-rose, cody simpson, dibs-doesn, evidence-below, Hollywood, instababe, quick-look, table-border, TMZ
Today’s InstaBabe is LA model Carmella Rose , and trust me, all it takes is a quick look through her Instagram , and you’ll understand why I picked her. (And just in case these pictures aren’t enough, I’ve included some video evidence below too.) As far as I can tell, the only downside to this super-hottie is that I just read somewhere she might be dating that Cody Simpson loser. So first he almost ruins Gigi Hadid , and now he’s going after my InstaBabes? I can’t argue with the guy’s taste in women, but c’mon, I saw them first! It’s like calling dibs doesn’t mean anything anymore. » view all 20 photos
Excerpt from:
Carmella Rose Is An InstaBabe You Should Know
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged almost-ruins, car, carmella-rose, dibs-doesn, evidence-below, gigi hadid, instababe, instagram, Pictures, star news, stars