“One quick look at her bio will tell the story,” wrote a reviewer back in 2014. “She had it all, everything—Shelley Duvall was one horse on which any smart player would bet.” Until she went off track … … read more
A quick look at his Twitter makes it pretty clear why he’s such a hit with the ladies. The 27-year-old seems always ready to drop a flirty emoji on his adoring female fans.
Today’s InstaBabe is LA model Carmella Rose , and trust me, all it takes is a quick look through her Instagram , and you’ll understand why I picked her. (And just in case these pictures aren’t enough, I’ve included some video evidence below too.) As far as I can tell, the only downside to this super-hottie is that I just read somewhere she might be dating that Cody Simpson loser. So first he almost ruins Gigi Hadid , and now he’s going after my InstaBabes? I can’t argue with the guy’s taste in women, but c’mon, I saw them first! It’s like calling dibs doesn’t mean anything anymore. » view all 20 photos
Our crack team of Skin Detectives have uncovered something sensational hiding in the first season of HBO’s True Detective ! We already knew that Alexandra Daddario ‘s nude scene was the front-runner for Nude Scene of the Year , but the blu-ray revealed something we couldn’t see on the boob tube… Alexandra’s lovely labia! As she climbs off of Woody’s woody, we get a quick look at her lips, which look good enough to lick! Here are some of the best labia shots from days gone by! Just enough to whet your whistle!
Our crack team of Skin Detectives have uncovered something sensational hiding in the first season of HBO’s True Detective ! We already knew that Alexandra Daddario ‘s nude scene was the front-runner for Nude Scene of the Year , but the blu-ray revealed something we couldn’t see on the boob tube… Alexandra’s lovely labia! As she climbs off of Woody’s woody, we get a quick look at her lips, which look good enough to lick! Here are some of the best labia shots from days gone by! Just enough to whet your whistle!
Another clip featuring two hot girls, one of which happens to be naked and taking a shower. These scenes really tickle me as the girls are so blase about it you don’t once catch them having a quick look at the goodies. Continue reading →
If you’ll take a quick look at the video below, you’ll see my local Apple store, the one that’s about 15 miles away from the place where I’m sitting right now, filmed by intrepid Apple phone lover’s friend or relative ojezap. This Apple store is located in the Mall of America, aka one of the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Community Discovery Date : 11/02/2011 02:00 Number of articles : 2
What’s new and nude in theaters this weekend? Mr. Skin brings you the naked scoop(s). No Strings Attached Natalie Portman co-stars with Ashton Kusher in the romantic comedy No Strings Attached . At the 32-minute mark, her pants come unattached as she changing clothes and we get a quick look at Natalie’s rear port, man.
A quick look at the Nexus S and Android 2.3 By engadget Tags : android , android 2.3 , features , gingerbread , google , nexus , nexus s , review , samsung , walkthrough