Tag Archives: facebook-page

Whitney Cummings Ass Flash of the Day

Whitney Cummings is one of the most overrated…generic potty mouthed but ot enough for people to pay attention to her, comedian…. She’s the Amy Schumer, if you’d want to fuck Amy Schumer…all interchangeable with their “slut” humor, something that is relevant now…talking about puking when sucking dick and being deemed genius…while dudes just stare at her tits…and women “relate to her” because what she says is “so true”…Fuck off funny girls… Maybe I’m bitter, because I only like when girls laugh at my pathetic dick… I guess the crazy thing in all this is that she turned her lame “roasting” and half assed humor into two TV shows…one called 2 Broke Girls…that is still on TV…and making her massive money so that she never has to work again….and all it took was working Hollywood for that hit critical success a few years ago..executive producing multiple shows…because the best way to make it as an actor or as an exec is by being the hot girl in Comedy because you are too ugly to be the hot girl in regular acting….build that audience through laughs…not orgasms…and I guess that’s ok… Especially, when she still pulls the “look at my ass”….even when rich from successful TV shows becuase it’s all she knows…and she’s still Whitney from the I’ll suck your dick to get ahead… The post Whitney Cummings Ass Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Whitney Cummings Ass Flash of the Day

Anne Hathaway Not Wearing SHirt of the Day

Anne Hathaway went as slutty as Anne Hathaway has ever been for Glamour Magazine…a little Blazer with no shirt underneath for all 5 of her fans who think she’s hot and worth jerking off to….the 5 weirdest people in the world…probably exes who she did something freakish with….or just some Princess Diary pervert who can’t move past that movie…in life or in masturbation fantasy…and you know that person exists… You also know that she’s she’s got to do all she can to promote a movie…people hate her…and her name alone won’t fill seats and the storyline of “Devil Wears Prada Two”…at least that is what the trailer looks like…isn’t compelling to fill seats…even though she’s an oscar winner and that alone should make the world want to worship her performance…as most Oscar winners are supposed to be the best of the best and thus the movies they are in are the best of the best…except maybe for Eric Roberts…he’s pretty bad…unless she won that Oscar wrongfully…who knows, none of that shit matters…it’s all nonsense…Anne Hathaway is nonsense…and I’m not offended by her like so many people are, I don’t give a fuck either way, I just know I used to have a girl I fucked who looked a lot like a fat Anne Hathway, and that girl used to lick my unshowered ass while jerking me off, making Anne Hathaway a friendly reminder of those glorious, disgusting days… The post Anne Hathaway Not Wearing SHirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anne Hathaway Not Wearing SHirt of the Day

Kemp Muhl is my Dream Girl of the Day

Kemp Muhl is a goddess…I had never heard of her, because I am out of the loop and I don’t care, but I googled her today, because all it took was showing up to an event with her tits… She’s been a model, actress, musician, hipster artist, since she was 13…I guess when you’re named Kemp, your hippie parents throw you into being counter culture…anti-society….you know a tumblr star who denounces technology but has a facebook page… She’s 28 now, she’s been dating Sean Lennon since 2006…so since she’s been 18…Before him she dated some actor named Matthew Gray Gubler…who was on the show Criminal Minds….when she was under 18…someone arrest him…he’s a TYGA… And now she matters…and all it took was showing up to an event with her tits..we call that Emrata School of How to Get Famous…and I am into it cuz I like tits.. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS The post Kemp Muhl is my Dream Girl of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kemp Muhl is my Dream Girl of the Day

Will.i.am – That Power feat. Justin Bieber (Lyric Video) New Song 2013

Like The Facebook Page Official “That Power” Justin & Will.i.am http://www.facebook.com/pages/William-Justin-Bieber-That-Power/353187834787075 Will.i.am – Th… http://www.youtube.com/v/pzp6TPUn-I0?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata View original post here: Will.i.am – That Power feat. Justin Bieber (Lyric Video) New Song 2013

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Will.i.am – That Power feat. Justin Bieber (Lyric Video) New Song 2013

Spoiler Alert: Rihanna Shows Off Sneak Peak Of Her Clothing Line…And It’s Terrible!

We don’t get it?? Rihanna stepped out in a navy velour track suit with snap buttons and a drawstring waistband yesterday and sadly, it’s a piece from her new collab with River Island. She showed off more pieces earlier today when she shared a behind-the-scenes pic from the shoot for a promo ad today…and we just don’t see the point. According to River Island’s facebook page, they’re very excited about the collab: FIRST LOOK: Rihanna wearing the navy jumpsuit from her Rihanna for River Island collection in LA! Coming to a store near you and online at riverisland.com in spring 2013… Mmm…we’ll pass. Images via facebook/instagram

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Spoiler Alert: Rihanna Shows Off Sneak Peak Of Her Clothing Line…And It’s Terrible!


d418c1eda6cd7ad8f123070332eff56d.jpg Uploaded from the Photobucket iPad App See the article here: d418c1eda6cd7ad8f123070332eff56d.jpg

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Justin Bieber – Beauty and a Beat Bass Cover

Facebook Page www.facebook.com Bass cover of “Beauty and a Beat” from the album Believe by Justin Bieber feat. Nicki Minaj. Sorry I’m posting this cover a little late, my schedules been messed up because I’ve been sick the past week. Anyways, I’m not really a fan J Biebs but I saw the music video for this song on youtube and to my surprise it had this kick ass bass line. This song was more challenging than I thought it would be, especially the insane synth riffs. For those that are wondering I copied and pasted the same video for the synth parts because it took me forever to get that right lol. Enjoy! Tabs sites.google.com GEAR: Fender Deluxe Active P Bass Special Garageband Amp Simulator Elixir Nanoweb Light Bass Strings BOSS OBD3 Bass Overdrive Pedal Pyramid Flatpicks Heavy Gauge Clayton Acetal Standard Picks .80mm Full Contact Hardware 4-String Fender-Style Bass Bridge http://www.youtube.com/v/HpkAYADJjcQ?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See more here: Justin Bieber – Beauty and a Beat Bass Cover

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Justin Bieber – Beauty and a Beat Bass Cover

My first and best Bieber experience was Monday, June 18th at…

My first and best Bieber experience was Monday, June 18th at 7:00PM at the Apollo theater. I thought I would never be able to go to a Justin Bieber concert, but when I heard about this one at the Apollo, I was more sad than excited. I told my mom, just because I felt like complaining and she said, “Do you want to go?” Of course I did , but I was concerned about the money I had to spend in order to get a ticket. She told me that she knows how much I like Justin and besides, it’s  much  less expensive than a ticket for MSG, so I can go. I couldn’t contain my excitement. The next day, my father and I left to go wait outside of the Herald’s Square Macy’s. There was only about 20 people in line when we got there and it was even better. The second the man inside handed me my tickets I was shaking violently. I couldn’t believe  I was actually going to see Justin Bieber. When he started, I couldn’t help but cry. The moment I was waiting for since 2009 was actually here. The theater was so small and even if you were in the back (like I was) you were still close enough to get a good look at him. He opened up with “Baby” and then went on to do “All Around the World” with special guest Ludacris. After performing, he asked what song he should do next. He said “Be Alright” but I screamed “One Time” at the top of my lungs. He had to hear me because after “Be Alright” he played “One Time.” I was so excited, I felt like it was just for me, he even pointed at my dad hen he asked how the parents were doing. Anyway, when it came time to do OLLG everyone was screaming and volunteering until he said his ‘wife’ was going to be the OLLG, at that moment, I just knew it was going to be Avallana. He brought her on stage for OLLG! Everyone aww’d when she came out. When Justin asked her how she felt she said that she needed ear plugs because we were too loud, which resulted in even more aww-ing. After OLLG he sang “Pray” and dedicated it to Avallana. He then left the stage for what was about 10 minutes. Scooter came out and said that the left side of the building was totally blown out and the screen couldn’t be powered because it was too hot. We all just blamed it on Justin *wink* We ignored the warnings and went on with the show. After Justin sang “Never Say Never”, he left again and came out with Scooter where we all sang Happy Birthday to him, and yes, Scooter got a cake to the face and Ry Good threw candy into the audience. It turns out that the entire system blew out, even the power generators they used as back up. For the finale, Justin came out and explained the situation to us and told us we had to sing “Boyfriend” ourselves. I don’t care what anyone else says, that was the highlight of my night. It just made me feel so connected to him as not only a singer but a person. That is the real way to end a show, WITH the fans. Thank You Justin for everything. You made it a night to remember. – @le-awesomeblog See the original post here: My first and best Bieber experience was Monday, June 18th at…

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My first and best Bieber experience was Monday, June 18th at…

Fall, Justin Bieber (cover)

haaaai, i love Justin’s new album Believe so much and this song is my favourite from it, so i decided to do a cover of it (: sorry if i sound a bit flat, i have a cold… x like my facebook page:www.facebook.com follow me on twitter: twitter.com follow me on tumblr: you-are-fearless.tumblr.com http://www.youtube.com/v/OWvggyuU6hE?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See more here: Fall, Justin Bieber (cover)

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Fall, Justin Bieber (cover)

Rihanna Topless Bikini Facebook Pictures

I told you earlier today that Rihanna has been all over the Twitter recently with a ton of sexy self shots, well she’s at it again, but this time she’s all over the Facebook . I don’t really give a crap what social media platform she uses, if she wants to share half naked pictures of herself on the internet, I’ll find them. Here she is showing off her bikini body while on another sexy Rihanna vacation. I love it. Did I mention there’s also a nip slip shot on her Facebook Page ? You’re welcome.