Tag Archives: fake-boobies

JWoWW Big Tanned Bikini Pictures

I wonder what JWoWW would be doing right now if there wasn’t any Jersey Shore ? I wish. She’s got the fake tan, big fake breasts, cheesy tattoos, and silly colored hair extensions… Those are things normally associated with strippers no?. All she’s missing is a tattooed douchebag/meathead of a boyfriend. Wait, I”m seeing that too. So instead of shaking her fake boobies for a few dollars in some dark New Jersey strip club, she’s making a ton of money by covering them up on some crappy reality TV show. What a waste.

JWoWW Big Tanned Bikini Pictures

I wonder what JWoWW would be doing right now if there wasn’t any Jersey Shore ? I wish. She’s got the fake tan, big fake breasts, cheesy tattoos, and silly colored hair extensions… Those are things normally associated with strippers no?. All she’s missing is a tattooed douchebag/meathead of a boyfriend. Wait, I”m seeing that too. So instead of shaking her fake boobies for a few dollars in some dark New Jersey strip club, she’s making a ton of money by covering them up on some crappy reality TV show. What a waste.

JWoWW Big Tanned Bikini Pictures

I wonder what JWoWW would be doing right now if there wasn’t any Jersey Shore ? I wish. She’s got the fake tan, big fake breasts, cheesy tattoos, and silly colored hair extensions… Those are things normally associated with strippers no?. All she’s missing is a tattooed douchebag/meathead of a boyfriend. Wait, I”m seeing that too. So instead of shaking her fake boobies for a few dollars in some dark New Jersey strip club, she’s making a ton of money by covering them up on some crappy reality TV show. What a waste.

Audrina Patridge And Her Sexy Lazy Eyes

Here’s Audrina Patridge and her sexy lazy eye hanging out at some party over the weekend. The girl is just hot, I love it, who cares if she always looks like she’s hopped up on Ambien and about to doze off? I can look past that. Besides, maybe a nipple will slip out as she falls asleep. Anyhow, she looks good in her little silver dress, but it’s a shame that she decided to cover up fake boobies, I think some squeezed together cleavage would have really brought the whole look together. more pictures of Audrina Patridge here

Erica Chevillar’s Massive Nobody Sideboob

I absolutely love blond nobodies with lots of make up and big fake boobies who pose for the cameras like they’re superstar pornstars or strippers who don’t have to do the lap dance thing. Here’s some sort of random MMA chick Erica Chevillar giving us quite a nice little look at her massive sideboob. If you stare at her boob long enough you start to get a little confused as to what you’re looking at…. Confused and aroused at the same time.

Hope Dworaczyk Is The 2010 Playmate of The Year

if Hugh Hefner thinks this Hope Dworaczy k chick is the 2010 Playmate Of The Year , he’s clearly getting too old, too senile and too out of touch to be running Playboy magazine. He’s lost his touch and the majority of his eyesight. Sure she’s got a great set of fake boobies and probably looks pretty damn hot making sexy faces in the nude, but she’s not Playmate Of The Year material. She looks more like someone Tiger would have banged a few times then dumped with a text message. Who the hell reads Playboy magazine anymore anyway? Everyone is far too busy reading HollywoodTuna.com to go to the store to buy an outdated magazine. You’re welcome. more pictures of Hope Dworaczyk here