The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is the film industry’s encyclopedia of data for filmmakers and actors, providing a wealth of information about the movies, past and present, and the people who make them (or aspire to). But was the IMD b in the wrong when it published the legal age of an actress/IMDb Pro user — and did that act warrant the $1 million lawsuit she’s now leveling at the website?
Kudos to AFI Fest for offering three important qualities next month, when the annual Los Angeles film festival runs November 3-10. For starters, in addition to fest opener J. Edgar , they’re programming Shame , one of my fall awards season must-sees and the potentially life-changing opportunity to see Michael Fassbender bare it all . (I mean emotionally, of course. Ahem.). Secondly, it’s held right here in Los Angeles — no pesky traveling to distant, exotic, champagne-sipping lands like France and Italy! Because that must suck. But most importantly, the entire AFI Fest is free. Complimentary. Gratis. Hit the jump to see the recently-announced line-up of must see films you’ll want to snag a ticket to.