Tag Archives: farah-abraham

Jasmine Sanders Tits Fell Off of the Day

Jasmine Sanders is another German model who is in America taking all your jobs…..because she was probably a military kid…with American parents because she was raised in South Carolina..but that doesn’t mean she’s not an immigrant to me…an immigrant who is pushing 30 and who has millions of followers on social media thanks to all the perverts out there into her perverted self produced content… She’s apparently 5 foot 9, so tall enough to be a model, and she’s not fat like the other instagram models, which you can cross reference in these bikini pics to her titty size…but she is a friend of the Kardashians, an insider who could take care of them, you know take out the terrorists who are the biggest threat on the future of the country and not just because of all the plastics they will leave in the ocean after they rot..but because of all the idiot kids following their lead….it’s just crazy…..but not crazy enough to Jasmine Sanders to attach herself to them, and pretty much be them in her own right, cuz they have it all figured out when it comes to brain washing idiots on the internet…..maybe I should buy the e-book….I wouldn’t mind sitting on a pile of money throwing feces at everyone I invite over because I can…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jasmine Sanders Tits Fell Off of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jasmine Sanders Tits Fell Off of the Day

Jaime King Hard Skinny Nipples of the Day

Jaime King is an ex heroin addict model from the 90s, who had a boyfriend die of a drug overdose as people do when they start fucking with heroin, who survived that era and moved to LA to become an actor, or whatever the fuck she is, but who’s tits don’t seem to have survived, because I guess that’s what happens when you have kids and hey suck the tits off your chest, or when you have to start starving yourself to stay fit, or maybe she’s had cancer…I don’t know..I just know her nipples are hard, her face looks old and tired, but she’s still worth looking at as a reminder of how precious life is, how you only are here for a limited time and how you fucking expire quick…. Inspiring really. Here are her tits us old fucks used to jack off to….before internet porn was in video and when tits were enough… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jaime King Hard Skinny Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Originally posted here:
Jaime King Hard Skinny Nipples of the Day

Gabby Epstein and Bree Kleintop Fake Naked Lesbians of the Day

Gabby Epstein and Bree Kleintop are two instagram thots posing like fake lesbians, the LGBT community should be enraged but instead they are just turned on. Sticking penis shaped objects up inside them…sometimes in strap on form so that they can stick it up each other…like they were born with a Phallus of their own…to live that TOXIC masculinity without the balls to get in the way… It’s also a good thing these girls get naked to take the attention away from those awful faces, its like dogged faced Nina Agdal and a subway sandwich had a baby…..look close you’ll see what I mean…. I guess this is just further evidence that bodies, tanned and naked, fit and naked, are enough to trick instagram algorithm into likes and follows….this instagram thing is the era of average looking chicks getting paid to get naked like they were real models…even though when you look at Bree Kleintop and Gabby they look like your old accountant Herschel…with smaller tits. Point being…this picture has already been photoshopped and it’s still just repetitive shit lazy people put out to keep the momentum of their bullshit instagram model life. Keep up the hard work, you know they think this is hard work, all while it requires little to no effort…beyond traveling places and showing up…. Pretty silly times. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gabby Epstein and Bree Kleintop Fake Naked Lesbians of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gabby Epstein and Bree Kleintop Fake Naked Lesbians of the Day

Farrah Abraham Bikini of the Day

Farrah Abraham is my business partner, who doesn’t know she’s my business partner, and who I guess I haven’t done any business with since 2013, when her sex tape came out and I was lucky enough to get featured on an actual relevant website, since we know that this isn’t an actual relevant website, all because I had the exclusive squirting clip, which you’d assume would make me an actual relevant website, but the internet doesn’t really work that way….some sites get all the love, and others are sort of in existence but no one actually cares about them or check in on them, since it’s a lot of the same shit for 14 years, but isn’t everything alot of the same shit, I get it I’m not Instagram or Facebook Owned you pricks….but at least I keep doing this for the 1 -2 people who care…..it is loyalty man…committed to a cause I haven’t figured out yet…but figure if I live another 14 years I still won’t have figured out…but I will still be updating this shi…it’s a habit. Anyway, I made 10k off her sex tape, the squirt scene…I’ve seen her get fucked up the ass, I’ve see her ass get implants, her tits get bolted on…the mental illness that is celebrity and fame…an empire collapsing, but still existing…from Teen Mom, slutty teen getting on TV, to thong bikinis…all while being horse faced and disgusting…pretty fucking brilliant run. I would watch her biopic and you’d probably jerk off to it. That is why I appreciate both you and Farrah. Equally sick fucking weirdos. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Farrah Abraham Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Farrah Abraham Bikini of the Day