Rita Ora on Instagram with her tits out cockteasing you motherfuckers like LUKE PERRY didn’t die today…. The real question is whether his death has the same death impact that Anna Nicole Smith’s death had…and is all of the news media doing profiles on his life, while actual news is going on behind the scenes, laws being passed under your nose cuz you’re sad that Dylan drom 90210’s brain exploded…stroked out…in what is probably not a nation tradgey…but the media will make fucking sure that it comes across as one… THAT SAID… We’ve all seen now Famous as Fuck Rita Ora’s tits out, it’s how she got famous, I don’t grasp her lack of feminist feminism by putting emojis to cover her up, masking her femininity…..and circle of life…the fucking beer tap for babies….milk lifeline… What the fuck is she censoring herself for, has she realized that not being slutty is the new slutty? Everything is cyclical and the time for naked on the internet is slowing down, because brands are moving away from people with followers for being whores…and moving towards people with actual influence….not that they’d move away from Rita Ora, she’s finally famous after years of work, but she’s probably scared they will because she’s spent so much time working for this…she’s not about to throw it away by showing her nipples again…even though we’ve all seen them and the emoji is just a tactic to clickbait us and draw attention to them…these cunts really understand the hustle. More of her braless tits JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rita Ora Braless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Rita Ora Braless of the Day