Tag Archives: farrah-lies

13 Best/Worst Pics of Farrah Abraham Crying: Bring on the Lies, and Tears!

Farrah Abraham can cry on cue. It’s uncanny. Girl bawls like it’s her job. Which is basically is, or one of them anyway. Balling James Deen on video is also her job. Crying is sort of related to that occupation, though. The tall tales she pathologically spins about how her “sex tape” ruined her life make it easy to turn on the waterworks. Farrah’s crying faces aren’t just a byproduct of the porn career she pretends to disavow, though. They date back to before she put the Backdoor in Teen Mom . If she looks hilariously fake when she tells her sob stories, that’s because she likely is faking it. Maybe it’s deliberate or maybe it’s subconscious, but it’s BS. Girl knows how to lie, and we don’t mean on her back while … you get the idea. Check out 13 epic Farrah Abraham crying pics and try not to cry … LOLing: 13 Pics of Farrah Abraham Crying Open Slideshow 1. Farrah Abraham Crying HARD Farrah Abraham knows how to cry. Gotta love this recurring scene. View As List 1. Farrah Abraham Crying HARD Farrah Abraham knows how to cry. Gotta love this recurring scene. 2. Farrah Getting Ready to Cry It’s coming. Just give it a few more sob stories that she fabricated. 3. Farrah Abraham Cries a Lot Farrah Abraham is crying again. We are not surprised and neither should you be. 4. Wah. Wah. Wah. Farrah Abraham loves to turn on the waterworks. Like every day. 5. Tear-Filled Farrah Farrah Abraham straight up bawling on Couples Therapy. Not to be confused with BALLING James Deen. 6. Sad Face Farrah Farrah Abraham cries a lot. Like it’s her job you could say. 7. Farrah Cryin’ Farrah Abraham cries a lot. Here she is doing it on Couples Therapy. 8. Farrah on Couples Therapy Farrah Abraham cries a lot. And she cries ugly, we can tell you that. 9. Farrah Abraham Crying Again Farrah Abraham cries a lot. That is kind of her thing and we are not in the least bit surprised. 10. Farrah Lies Farrah Abraham lies. As in she doesn’t tell the truth. She also lies on her stomach in the literal sense while … you know. 11. Farrah Abraham Cries Farrah Abraham cries on Teen Mom. Seems to be an increasingly frequent occurrence. 12. Farrah Abraham Cries on Teen Mom In GIF form. Just because. 13. Farrah Abraham OH-Face Okay, that’s not crying. That’s straight up boning going on. But the face looks similar, you gotta admit.

13 Best/Worst Pics of Farrah Abraham Crying: Bring on the Lies, and Tears!