Tag Archives: fascist

Golden Globes Highlights of the Day

I didn’t watch the Golden Globes, which is probably a fail for someone with a Celebrity website, but the truth is, I have never and will never have any interest in Celebrities, other than to use them to demonstrate all that is wrong in the world, with their vapid existences, filled with lies and whoring that is designed or that pretends to be something that is anything but whoring… So I don’t know who won, who wore what, if anything I just can’t believe people watch this shit, care about this shit, or discuss this shit like the circle jerk that is celebrating people who are already celebrated, matters…the general public must be fucking bored…. I mean, if you wanted tits in a dress on a Sunday, hit the fucking strip club, instead of feeding into this fascist, rich person, regime… Here are some highlight pics….of what I like to think represents all evil…J.Lo’s possible nip slip… THE GOLDEN GLOBES ARE HAPPENED CLICK HERE

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Golden Globes Highlights of the Day

Hot Chicks Picking Up Dog Sh*t

Link: http://hotchickspickingupdogshit.com/ From the gratuitous ilk of hot chick websites, here's one that I actually find cute. But what I could really get behind is an entire site dedicated to Adam Brody dog poop pics (yes, I still care).

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Hot Chicks Picking Up Dog Sh*t

Maru Makes Faces

Watch this badass make faces.

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Maru Makes Faces