Tag Archives: fede-alvarez

WATCH: ‘Within The Woods’, Sam Raimi’s 1979 ‘Evil Dead’ Prototype

With Fede Alvarez’s   remake of Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead about to hit theaters on Friday, it’s a good time to take the Hot Tub Time Machine back to 1979 when rotary dial phones were still common and the Oz The Great and Powerful director was just an aspiring filmmaker with an idea for a bloody and original horror film. Movies.com has unearthed Within The Woods &not to be confused with Stephen Sondheim’s Into The Woods — the 30-minute proof-of-concept short that Raimi used to raise money to produce his 1981 horror classic,  The Evil Dead.  Before you click play, make sure you’re in a receptive and patient mood. This clip looks like it was bootlegged from a pre-cable TV tuned in to a particularly weak UHF station. (Remember those?) But if you can get in the right frame of mind to watch it, it’s pretty cool to see Bruce Campbell looking bespectacled and nerdy (as opposed to the Vegas Elvis impersonator he’s become) and to witness Raimi’s early promise as a filmmaker. The scene where heroine Ellen Sandweiss uses Campbell’s severed hand, which holds a knife, to dispatch him is a nice touch, although the scene where she repeatedly slams a door on a friend who’s she’s accidentally stabbed veers into unintentional comedy.  (By the way, Sandweiss appeared as a quadling in Oz .) What do you think of the movie? Better yet, what do you think of the rotary-dial phone that appears near the end.  Mwa-ha-ha-ha! [ Movieweb via Movies.com ] Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter . Follow Movieline on  Twitter .

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WATCH: ‘Within The Woods’, Sam Raimi’s 1979 ‘Evil Dead’ Prototype

WATCH: New ‘Evil Dead’ Video Is A Real Scream − Warns: ‘You’re All Going To Die Tonight’

Evil Dead hits theaters in less than two weeks, and the debate in my head grows louder:  Should I bring the airsickness bag I brought home from my last plane flight, or will a gallon-sized Ziploc baggie do?   As I wrote earlier, Fede Alvarez’s intense, serious-as-a-heart attack remake of Sam Raimi’s  humorous horror classic, The Evil Dead ,  is looking pretty review proof, but I’ve got to wonder if reports of the movie’s extreme gore and the intensity of the trailers that are being released will give more squeamish horror fans second thoughts about attending, especially since the update doesn’t share the comic relief of the original. Here’s the latest clip to surface via Yahoo!  Everyone looks pretty freaked at what’s going on in that little cabin, and that’s before Mia ( Jane Levy ) shoots her brother David ( Shiloh Fernandez ) and lets out an operatic scream that comes with its own Auto-Tune translation.  Also, there are two new posters for the movie. Actually, they’re variants that feature the same image, but one features review blurbs and one does not. Don’t you just love it when review-proof movies show off their good reviews? [Yahoo! ] Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter. Follow Movieline on  Twitter. 

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WATCH: New ‘Evil Dead’ Video Is A Real Scream − Warns: ‘You’re All Going To Die Tonight’

WATCH: ‘Evil Dead’ Is Looking Increasingly Review-Proof In New Video Clips

Like the drip, drip, drip of blood from a freshly mutilated corpse, the producers of Evil Dead have released two new video clips that reveal a little bit more of Uruguayan filmmaker Fede Alvarez’s super-gory remake of Sam Raimi’s horror classic. And, despite some disappointed critics, the movie is looking increasingly review-proof. What The Critics Are Saying About Evil Dead Alvarez’s blood-soaked Version 2.0 has generated a lot of buzz since its SXSW premiere, even if it didn’t universally wow the critics who’ve written about it. The headline of Chris Tilly’s IGN review called Evil Dead “A Brilliant New Take On A Horror Classic,” and Variety’s Joe Leydon  wrote that “The rare remake that likely will be enjoyed most by diehard fans of its predecessor.” But other reviewers weren’t so generous. SlashFilm’s Russ Fischer  groused, “look away from the gore and you’ll see a confused movie that lurches in different directions from one step to the next.”  And Indiewire’s Eric Kohn wrote: “With simpler aims and oodles of blood, the new movie is a watered down scare-fest that works in spite of its formula by constantly frightening audiences into submission.” And yet, with the exception of Fischer, the aforementioned critics seem to agree that, whether or not Evil Dead holds up under their critical scrutiny, it is going to put asses in seats.  As Kohn wrote: “The enthusiasm from SXSW may help kick off solid word of mouth, but this movie more or less sells itself with the trailer. ” The big question, as Leydon pointed out, is whether the gore factor “could literally scare off [audiences] accustomed to less explicit, PG-13 fare.”  That could mean the difference between a great box-office take  and merely a good one. New Videos Generating More Buzz As for the clips, the first is a relatively tame TV spot that’s more about ratcheting up tension than chainsawing off limbs.  The second is a teaser for Wondercon, (where the film will be screened next) that features an intro by Alvarez and producers Bruce Campbell and Rob Tapert. [ Variety , IGN , SlashFilm , Indiewire ] Follow Frank DiGiacomo on  Twitter. Follow Movieline on  Twitter.

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WATCH: ‘Evil Dead’ Is Looking Increasingly Review-Proof In New Video Clips