Alex Karev is the interim Chief of Grey Sloan Memorial, and he’s messing everything up. Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy chronicled the manchild’s first day on the job, and it did not bode well for his future at the hospital. Allow us to explain… Alex was on a high with his promotion and set out to approve just about everything anyone asked of him. The most ridiculous thing he approved was a 3D printer that allowed Link to change the color of prosthetic limbs. While $500 per colored prosthetic sounds semi-reasonable, the hospital needed the 3D printer that would cost $65,000 to order in. By the end of the day, Alex was in a tense standoff with Bailey who wanted to know why he was approving everything on his first day. That’s when Alex showed his cards, revealing the biggest blunder of his entire career. According to him, he was still below budget for the month. After Bailey looked at his figures, it became glaringly obvious he was looking at the figures for the quarter and not the month. Alex had spent the hospital’s budget for the entire quarter. Yikes. But Alex did make a good decision. Who would have thought it? Vik, who blackmailed Bailey and the hospital to get his job back at the end of last season, finally got his comeuppance. He failed to recognize that a man with a nosebleed was about to die. “I need an attending!” he yelled upon realizing he messed up. The patient died in the operating room, and Vik refused to take responsibility. I’m just an intern,” Vik cried. “This isn’t on me.” He didn’t want to call the time of death, so he rushed off into a room with Nico showing off his abs to Levi. Alex followed Vik and decided to fire him on the spot. He had it coming, you guys! The medical mystery on Thursday’s installment revolved around a school teacher who fell asleep while operating a saw. It resulted in multiple students being rushed into the O.R., and Webber took action when Levi said there was a high alcohol level in the blood. “The more sober he gets,” Richard said, “the worse he’s going to feel.” The teacher was against the notion that he got drunk in the classroom, and Webber seemed to think the man was trying his best to deflect the situation. Alex ultimately had to remove Webber from the room … maybe because there was a lawsuit on the horizon if he was wrong. However, Webber persisted and brought some vodka to the man as he was recovering. The next thing we knew, the man was supposedly drunk again. Thankfully, Webber did not give the man the drink and confirmed he had a rare condition that meant the sugar in his body would make him drunk. Crisis averted then, right? Elsewhere, Maggie was trying to set Amelia up with anybody she could, presumably to soften the blow of Teddy’s pregnancy when it is revealed. Amelia took notice of it and asked her to stop because she was no longer on the market. Okay then. What Maggie failed to realize was that she might be back on the market. Jackson sent an email into the hospital taking a leave of absence. This was news to Maggie who was visibly annoyed. Jackson was having a crisis of faith, but he could at least let her know what was going on with him. View Slideshow: Grey’s Anatomy Spoilers: It’s About to Go DOWN in Season 15 What are your thoughts on the latest installment? Hit the comments. Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC.
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