Tag Archives: filled-throne

Sharon Stone’s Big Old Lady Tits Lookin’ Good of the Day

I generally hate old ladies…but I am totally down with whatever is going on here….possibly because her pussy was a big part of my masturbation in the 90s back when I’d rent her video and pause the shit on the pussy flash scene….trying to get it in perfect frame so that I could make out her labia before DVD existed….so many times that we were practically in a relationship. A relationship that ended when the internet hit and I got access to porn. But a relationship I’ll remember forever as a glorious time in my shitty fucking life…. I don’t know why she’s looking so hot at this event, it’s like some divorcee at the night club wanting to get some dick in her to make up for lost time and feel loved thanks to her husband leaving her for a 20 year old shit….a place I like to call heaven. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

Sharon Stone’s Big Old Lady Tits Lookin’ Good of the Day

Rosario Dawson’s Weird Upskirt of the Day

I’ve heard some Rosario Dawson stories over the years, from her being some coked up annoying party slut in New York who thinks she’s super fucking important thanks to Harmony Korine pulling her out of the projects when she was 15 to star in her panties in his movie….a slut start to a slut life….filled with big tits….and now panty flashes…because by the looks of her stomach she’s pregnant and trying to give her baby a little light….what a considerate mom…. Or maybe she’s just accustomed to flashing her junk to make people care about her….and that’s why life has been too good to her up until now, handed to her big titties on a silver platter, I say send her back to the ghetto where she belongs….because her panty flash hustle will be alot more like sucking dick for coke….or rent money…a place she belongs… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Rosario Dawson’s Weird Upskirt of the Day

Nina Agdal’s Outtakes for Esquire with Bare Ass and Nipple of the Day

Nina Agdal is a model who is putting in serious bikini work to knock Kate Upton of her all you can eat buffet fat ass filled throne….you know the prized pig at the fair…in her pig pen….eating as much of the free celebratory food as she can…because those are the perks of being the prized pig….really taking ownership on her obesity…. You see, Nina Agdal was robbed of the cover this year, because SI wanted to milk the cow one more time before putting her to pasture, giving Nina a chance to take the fuck over…and that’s what she’s doing… These are some outtakes of her Esquire shoot, with bare ass and some see through to nipple and shit is glorious…so glorious I can ignore the fact that she kinda looks downs syndrome… The things people will do to make it….are great….

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Nina Agdal’s Outtakes for Esquire with Bare Ass and Nipple of the Day