Tag Archives: financial reform

Senate and House Vote To Add Watered Down Fed Audit In Financial Reform Bill

Conference Committee includes Audit the Fed in Financial Reform Bill. Senate and House vote to add Fed Audit in Financial Reform Bill. A slightly-altered version of Ron Paul’s “Federal Reserve Transparency Act” was included in the forthcoming financial legislation. The Title allows the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct an audit of discount window lending and open market operations. One thing that the bill does change is the time-frame. In Rep. Paul’s original bill, there was a lag time on audits of six months. The version in this bill gives a lag time of two years. Title XI also forces the GAO to conduct an audit of all emergency lend…… http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3620 added by: shanklinmike

The Good Ideas That Weren’t Included in the Financial Reform Bill [Reform]

Democrats just voted to advance financial regulatory reform today, thanks in part to the Tea Party’s ex-boyfriend, Scott Brown. Hippie Senators Russ Feingold and Maria Cantwell refused to vote yea. So, is it a good bill? More