Tag Archives: find-ourselves

How To Expand Your Awareness

All spiritual solutions depend on expanding awareness. Problems occur in contracted awareness, solutions occur in expanded awareness. In pure awareness there are no problems, therefore there is no need for solutions. There are only creative opportunities. How to achieve this? Every situation we find ourselves in is influenced by perception, expectation, assumption, beliefs and feelings. We can evaluate these five factors to define our awareness level. Pure awareness can be reached through transcendence, through meditation. Step into the field of infinite possibilities, infinite creativity, infinite potential. http://www.youtube.com/v/wSNk9z4Ew60?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: How To Expand Your Awareness


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How To Expand Your Awareness

Happy Birthday, Adam Lambert!

As we study Andrew Garcia , Chris Golightly and other potential season nine stars on American Idol , we find ourselves asking: Who will be the next Adam Lambert? In just one year’s time, this singer has gone from a complete unknown to the standard by which we judge other aspiring artists. It’s been amazing ride for Lambert, and it doesn’t appear to be ending any time soon

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Happy Birthday, Adam Lambert!

How Cute Are You?

“If you survived high school, or hope to, you probably made your peace with the fact that life is unfair: looks can compensate for a lack of brains and conscientiousness. Or to put it more bluntly, teachers give good-looking kids higher grades than homely ones, all other… read more

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How Cute Are You?

Rites of Passage, Time to Pass the Torch On

There are many times that we find ourselves on a whole different path. Our life is never the same ever again. There is no going back

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Rites of Passage, Time to Pass the Torch On