I’m sure there are some people out there who find the idea of a big screen, big budget version of the campy 90s television show Baywatch to be rather ridiculous—but there is nothing ridiculous about the hotness of the star of the Baywatch remake, Kelly Rohrbach. … read more
ESPN Host Talks Amber Rose Shaming And Reality Of Double Standard While some folks find the idea of Amber Rose being hailed a feminist role model ridiculous, ESPN host Jemele Hill is recognizing the truth behind some of Roses’s statements and was very outspoken in her defense of Rose and “gold diggers” Friday on Twitter. Reminds me of what @Yumichic once said: You blame gold diggers and not men that want to be dug. https://t.co/9QWzhKnfst — Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) November 14, 2015 She doesn’t stop here though. Keep reading for some interesting points by Hill. We can’t wait to see your thoughts on this one in the comments. WENN
Bar Refaeli bores me…she’s had her time in the sun, her moment of glory, when she was in SI and Victoria’s Secret…you know when she was younger, tighter bodied, and dating A-Listers….but that’s all kinda faded for her….she’s older, she’s bigger, and she may be making more money than ever with her investments…but she’s sure not blowing me away with any of the campaigns she’s booking….not even her own underwear line….but she does have big tits… I feel like I’ve seen these pics before…it’s like they are all the fucking same…
Helen Flanagan is some big titty UK Cornation street a trashy show that I have seen and that gives me anxiety…a show that she left to pursue other interests…like doing a reality show called I’m a Celebrity get me out of here…..she’s living with a footballer…she’s got big tits and she did this photoshoot…and now you know…and that makes you a better person.
Scarlett Johansson was always an overrated, chubby girl who couldn’t act….but the public didn’t realize it…because they were too distracted at the fact that like 98 percent of women…she had tits…and good lips….but other than that…nothing she has done has been sexy, erotic, interesting, amazing, compelling, even attractive…but the media just fucking eats her up like she eats cake…. So seeing her in Esquire Russia…may not be her best photoshoot, but I would argue that it is, because they focused on all that is good about her, that face….and cropped out all the is
I got a lot of hate on twitter the other day because of JENNY McCarthy and it wasn’t even because I was making fun of autism or her ability of her pussy to make autism…. I got shit because she posted something about the horrible India rape on a bus leading to the victim dying story….and I responded saying that I would let her rape me on a bus…even if it killed me….but then again..you can’t rape the willing…and people went nuts… Who knew the public would find the idea of Jenny McCarthy fucking on a bus disgusting….I mean sure she’s old, but her tits are only 18. Not to mention, she stays fit…proven in this Shape Magazine feature on her….that reminds me that I’d still let her rape and kill me…even if it was to stop her from speaking…or making bad jokes and stupid faces…cuz as you know she’s the most annoying in the game….