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Duck Dynasty Season 6 Episode 4 Recap: Revenge of the Wedgie

Things turned serious on Duck Dynasty Season 6 Episode 4. Kind of. Sort of. At least when compared to the many poop jokes made on  Duck Dynasty Season 6 Episode 3 . On the latest installment of this A&E smash, Duck Commander hosted a pancake breakfast to support the West Monroe fire department, as learned that Willie once gave the police chief an “atomic wedgie” and that Si has an interesting pancake-eating system. “My first stack was four; second stack was six. This one is seven. I cannot eat it uneven. It’s out of balance,” explained the latter. Watch Duck Dynasty Season 6 Episode 4 Online Police Chief Chuckles (real name!) then sets Willie, Jase and Jep up to learn about fighting fires for an afternoon. A great deal of arguing ensues, this time while the men are sporting beard-protecting fire-retardant covers, which look very much like white ski caps. In the end, Willie overcomes his fear of heights… but gets stuck rappelling down the training tower, which leads to a harness-incurred wedgie of his own, much to the delight of his brothers. “I got to be a fireman for a day, and I got to see Willie get the biggest wedgie in the history of wedgies,” said Jase of a fun few hours. ELSEWHERE, Miss Kay took flowers to her grandmother CallieMae Carroway’s grave. Or she attempted to do so, at least. She, Phil and Si wandered around a lot in order to find the proper location, with Kay then deciding they should buy some plots in the cemetery for themselves next to a pretty pond. With Si spitting sunflower seed shells out into a cup during this adventure, it wasn’t exactly the proper setting to discuss literal life and death issues and nothing ended up getting settled in the end. What did you think of this episode? Go watch Duck Dynasty online via TV Fanatic and sound off now!

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Duck Dynasty Season 6 Episode 4 Recap: Revenge of the Wedgie