Tag Archives: flashing-tit

Paz dela Heurta for Terry Richardson of the Day

I am a fan of Paz dela Huerta….from her EXPOSED ASSHOLE IN A PHOTOSHOOT ….to all her nudity on Boardwalk Empire before getting fired that I’ve posted….to all the other nudity she’s been involved with all these one year that I’ve posted…because she’s just that girl who always looks drunk or high, unshowered, and like she’d be masturbating in the corner at some hipster party while her best friend ate her out and her gay friend put his dick in her mouth cuz they are so innovative, avant garde, and hip… THat’s why these pics of her at Terry Richardson’s after party, flashing tit and ass for the fun of it, you know to be that wild naked girl at the party, wasted….are so amazing….expected….obvious….but amazing…

See the article here:
Paz dela Heurta for Terry Richardson of the Day

Kelly Rowland Bottom Feeding of the Day

I am not posting these pics – I am posting them because I like watching bitches bottom feed…You see Kelly Rowland was a star once…one of the three girls of Destiny’s Child, selling albums, living the life…and then one day….the lead Beyonce said “fuck this shit, and these latch on bitches, I’m gonna go blossom on my own cuz I’m a goddess”….thanks to too much positive affirmation and an ego….doing everything in her power to overshadow the other girls..leading to Kelly Rowland buying fake tits and now buying a clay hand mold at Planet Fucking Hollywood…I’m talking PLANET HOLLYWOOD to immortalize and eternalize her fucking life in music while promoting her next solo album no one will buy….fuckign amazing….on so many levels…. But in her defense, at least she gets the risiduals from her previous career cuz this new one’s going no where…. Now maybe she should show us her vagina…cuz that wet fleshy hole…no matter what it looks like….or how meaty it is…keeps every single girl alive at least semi relevant…True story…

Continue reading here:
Kelly Rowland Bottom Feeding of the Day

Geri Halliwell is Elegant and Classy of the Day

I don’t know what the fuck is going on with Geri Halliwell or as some like to call her Ginger Spice or at least what is going on with her face in these pictures…but I do know that she looks all haggard and useless and emaciated like an ex stripper on dexatrim…oh right because she is an ex stripper….who may or may not be on dexatrim….because there was a time she was fat and now she’s not….not that it matters…..these pics suck…I prefer her when she’s flashing tit …. But here are her pics anyway, you know since I’m the president of her unofficial fan club that I just started cuz I got nothing else going on…

See the original post:
Geri Halliwell is Elegant and Classy of the Day