Tag Archives: actually-ever

Kate Upton Is The 2017 ‘Sports Illustrated’ Swimsuit Issue Cover Model

After weeks of those super-hot teaser videos , the 2017 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue has finally been released, and Kate Upton got the cover — again . That makes it three times for the busty blonde. And to celebrate, they apparently made three different covers so you can “collect them all” or something. But since no one would actually ever do that, I’ve got all three for you here, so you can enjoy them all without looking like a big weirdo for buying an armful of the same damn magazine. You’re welcome in advance. » view all 19 photos Continue reading

Geri Halliwell is Elegant and Classy of the Day

I don’t know what the fuck is going on with Geri Halliwell or as some like to call her Ginger Spice or at least what is going on with her face in these pictures…but I do know that she looks all haggard and useless and emaciated like an ex stripper on dexatrim…oh right because she is an ex stripper….who may or may not be on dexatrim….because there was a time she was fat and now she’s not….not that it matters…..these pics suck…I prefer her when she’s flashing tit …. But here are her pics anyway, you know since I’m the president of her unofficial fan club that I just started cuz I got nothing else going on…

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Geri Halliwell is Elegant and Classy of the Day

Vanessa Pudgens Pumping Gas of the Day

Here’s a probably pregnant Vanessa Hudgens pumping her own gas like some kind of migrant worker…..and not like a Disney star…or lady who takes nude pics of herself she is….but I guess to some people this is porn…so she’s keeping up with that…cuz it is her deal…. Watching girls pump gas is a fetish for some old timers who remember a time when there were no self serve stations and the idea of a babe on the pump was things for the porno films…cuz it just never happened…you were usually faced with some grease monkey mule with big dirty hands leaving oil stains on your change….at least that’s what my friend who specifically moved into a shitty apartment next to the gas station and set up a telescope for masturbation purposes tells me…It’s all the bending, reaching, getting dirty, working that takes him far away from a place where women were useless and everything but housework and blowjobs….

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Vanessa Pudgens Pumping Gas of the Day

Annalynne McCord in a Catsuit of the Day

The good thing about a catsuit is also the bad thing about a catsuit and that is that you can pretty much see every fold and curve a bitch has going for her…or has doesn’t have going for her cuz she’s fat.. Sure this bitch isn’t fat….but she might as well be cuz she’s as useless as a fat chick…I mean sure she’s hotter to watch in clothing that touches her legs, pussy, asshole, nipples, tits, all at the same time, in the dirtiest article of clothing ever…but all I see is some circus freak in action …and a fat chick doing this same hustle in the same clothing..would probably be more entertaining…all struggling to get up and panting and shit…. Either way….this is her ass…..take it in cuz it won’t be long before you don’t even remember who she is or whether she actually ever existed…which I guess is the downside of being a stain on the bottom corner of the TV industry who sneaked her way on set cuz no one really noticed….cuz no one ever notices her…except when she opens that annoying mouth….who cares. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Annalynne McCord in a Catsuit of the Day